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Today's Game Stats | Today's Player Stats

⬅️ Games Scheduled for 02/22/2008 ➡️

Time Matchup T-Rank Line TTQ Result
14 Davidson
at 111 Winthrop
59 Davidson, 60-47
130 UC Santa Barbara
at 120 Utah St.
52 Utah St., 72-59
192 Lipscomb
at 145 Belmont
45 Belmont, 74-65
129 North Dakota St.
at 270 South Dakota St.
43 North Dakota St., 63-60
141 Brown
at 261 Columbia
40 Brown, 67-52
281 Penn
at 316 Dartmouth
40 Penn, 88-62
232 Yale
at 126 Cornell
35 Cornell, 85-65
254 UT Rio Grande Valley
at 321 Cal St. Bakersfield
34 UT Rio Grande Valley, 67-60
222 Liberty
at 328 Longwood
29 Longwood, 79-68
306 Princeton
at 283 Harvard
24 Harvard, 74-67
MOV Mean absolute error: 0 | Totals MAE: 0 | Score bias: 0 |
Record of favorites: 0-10 (expected: 0-10)

Compiled by Bart Torvik from sacred data and secret formulas.