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Today's Game Stats | Today's Player Stats

⬅️ Games Scheduled for 03/26/2013 ➡️

Time Matchup T-Rank Line TTQ Result
85 Evansville
at 119 Canisius
67 Evansville, 84-83
53 Maryland
at 54 Alabama
66 Maryland, 58-57
123 Loyola MD
at 121 East Carolina
56 East Carolina, 70-58
156 Bradley
at 80 Northern Iowa
44 Northern Iowa, 90-77
MOV Mean absolute error: 0 | Totals MAE: 0 | Score bias: 0 |
Record of favorites: 0-4 (expected: 0-4)

Compiled by Bart Torvik from sacred data and secret formulas.