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Today's Game Stats |
Today's Player Stats
Time | Matchup | T-Rank Line | TTQ | Result | |
06:00 PM | 38 UAB at 73 Vanderbilt ESPN2 |
Vanderbilt -1.3, 79-78 (55%) | 79 | UAB, 67-59 | |
08:00 PM | 47 Cincinnati at 60 Utah Valley ESPN2 |
Utah Valley -2.0, 75-73 (58%) | 74 | Utah Valley, 74-68 | |
04:00 PM | 104 Charlotte vs 146 Eastern Kentucky ESPN2 |
Charlotte -1.9, 68-66 (58%) | 54 | Charlotte, 71-68 | |
MOV Mean absolute error: 4.8 | Totals MAE: 14.1 |
Score bias: 10.4 | Record of favorites: 2-1 (expected: 2-1) |
Compiled by Bart Torvik from sacred data and
secret formulas.