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#299 - Army (11-18)

Zach SpikerPatriot League (5-9)

Tourney ResultsTeamcastTeam History

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Team Stats

Vs: | Venue:
Category Offense Defense Barthag
Adj. Eff. 93.4 308 105.6 238 .1957 299
eFG% 48.9 178 51.7 272
TO% 21.9 269 22.1 72
OR% 23.9 333 30.5 105
FTR 37.0 156 36.6 183
Adjust? Split?
Shooting Stats
3P% 35.1 126 34.6 186
2P% 46.2 225 51.5 305
FT% 73.1 50 68.7 138
Block % 9.4 184 5.5 324
Stylistic Stats
3P Rate 41.6 18 38.4 318
Ast. Rate 58.9 44 54.7 196
Adj. Tempo 68.730

Fun Stuff

Category Offense Defense Barthag
Qual. Eff. 100.1 183 109.7 289 .2592 240
Last 10 Eff. 90.4 318 104.5 209 .1584 304
Close Games 5-3 (.625) 83
Qual. Games 0-1 (.000) 175
F.U.N. -0.0074 190
(Expected) Strength of Schedule
Non-con Overall
Elite L% 8 % 341 10 % 328
Basic 0.2946 344 0.3645 320
Committee Resumé Metrics
Q1-A Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Pre-Tourney 0-0 0-0 0-5 1-8 10-5

Schedule / Results

Offense Defense
Date Opponent Result/Line Record WAB AdjO AdjD EFF eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P EFF eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P G-Sc +/-
Fri 11-11 11-11 A 190 (Ⅲ) Air Force AF L, 87-71 86 0-1 -0.8 89.1 98.9 82.8 44.8 28.0 18.4 44.8 17-29 6-29 101.5 58.7 26.8 29.6 69.2 26-38 3-14 23 -1.6
Sat 11-12 11-12 N 321 (Ⅳ) The Citadel Cit L, 83-72 73 0-2 -1.7 97.7 119.4 98.3 48.2 16.4 17.1 47.3 16-34 7-21 113.3 55.7 15.0 22.6 64.2 22-37 5-16 9 6.3
Sat 11-19 11-19 A 211 (Ⅳ) Central Connecticut CCSU L, 67-51 68 0-3 -2.5 78.5 97.0 75.1 44.6 32.4 25.0 32.6 13-30 5-16 98.6 59.4 28.0 27.6 18.9 18-29 9-24 8 -5.2
Tue 11-22 11-22 H 334 (Ⅳ) Bryant Bryant W, 69-65 69 1-3 -2.5 86.1 106.3 100.2 51.9 21.8 21.6 34.0 5-17 15-36 94.4 47.4 26.1 38.9 25.9 17-30 7-28 8 -1
Sat 11-26 11-26 H 170 (Ⅲ) Yale Yale L, 84-75 79 1-4 -3.4 97.8 108.9 95.1 47.6 20.3 23.1 33.3 18-38 8-25 106.5 48.5 17.7 41.9 42.6 21-40 8-28 23 -2.4
Wed 11-30 11-30 H 283 (Ⅳ) NJIT NJIT L, 54-53 72 1-5 -4.4 64.2 84.5 73.6 33.3 23.6 23.1 31.6 16-33 2-24 75.0 43.5 20.8 21.4 8.1 12-33 10-29 4 -8.2
Sat 12-03 12-03 A 344 (Ⅳ) Binghamton Bing! W, 70-50 65 2-5 -4.3 97.9 93.1 108.5 65.6 26.4 20.0 20.8 15-29 11-19 77.5 38.6 20.2 25.0 15.8 13-37 6-20 64 8.9
Wed 12-07 12-07 A 248 (Ⅳ) Marist Marist L, 59-56 67 2-6 -5.2 83.9 87.0 83.0 41.2 23.7 28.9 21.1 13-33 7-24 87.5 51.9 26.7 26.7 21.2 18-31 6-21 40 3.7
Sat 12-10 12-10 A 44 (Ⅱ) La Salle LaSalle L, 76-64 67 2-7 -5.5 100.1 109.7 95.2 47.4 22.3 24.3 21.1 12-39 10-18 113.1 68.3 19.3 14.8 19.2 13-23 15-29 26 -13.3
Sun 12-18 12-18 H 314 (Ⅳ) UT Rio Grande Valley UTRGV W, 61-59 67 3-7 -5.5 87.9 94.3 91.4 49.0 28.5 35.5 25.0 18-32 5-20 88.4 41.2 22.5 28.2 51.0 12-25 6-26 31 6.8
Wed 12-21 12-21 H 298 (Ⅳ) Dartmouth Dart W, 67-64 64 4-7 -5.5 101.8 114.7 104.6 49.0 14.1 21.2 41.2 13-31 8-20 100.0 52.8 23.4 32.4 32.1 10-25 12-28 20 0.7
Wed 12-28 12-28 A 251 (Ⅳ) Presbyterian Presb L, 71-64 68 4-8 -6.3 91.2 100.4 93.6 54.3 26.3 20.0 31.9 18-29 5-18 103.8 51.1 21.9 25.0 70.2 12-24 8-23 25 -0.6
Sat 12-31 12-31 H 192 (Ⅳ) St. Francis NY SFNY W, 79-70 67 5-8 -6.2 115.2 115.8 117.9 61.8 17.9 29.0 32.7 19-35 10-20 104.5 43.7 17.9 42.9 34.9 17-36 7-27 49 -0.9
Tue 1-03 1-03 H 340 (Ⅳ) Longwood Long W, 96-77 79 6-8 -6.2 100.9 103.6 121.4 66.4 11.4 6.3 41.0 21-37 13-24 97.4 41.4 15.2 28.6 46.9 19-41 5-23 42 12.2
Sat 1-07 1-07 H 105 (Ⅱ) Bucknell Buck L, 75-59 63 6-9 (0-1) -7.0 94.4 118.1 93.7 37.3 17.5 33.3 58.8 13-44 4-7 119.1 52.0 15.9 36.7 63.3 15-37 7-12 7 -11.1
Wed 1-11 1-11 A 245 (Ⅲ) Lafayette Laf L, 75-63 74 6-10 (0-2) -7.9 78.5 97.6 85.2 40.9 27.0 30.8 45.5 15-34 5-21 101.4 56.1 25.7 29.7 29.8 11-32 14-25 8 -8.1
Sat 1-14 1-14 A 326 (Ⅳ) Navy Navy W, 75-62 67 7-10 (1-2) -7.8 107.3 101.0 111.3 66.3 25.2 12.5 51.2 9-20 13-23 92.0 48.9 28.2 31.4 55.3 14-24 6-23 67 10.4
Wed 1-18 1-18 H 311 (Ⅳ) Colgate Colg W, 91-75 71 8-10 (2-2) -7.8 108.2 117.2 128.2 66.1 12.7 22.6 22.6 17-33 16-29 105.7 59.5 24.0 27.6 15.5 21-37 9-21 28 1.6
Sat 1-21 1-21 A 150 (Ⅲ) American Amer L, 67-55 59 8-11 (2-3) -8.4 95.7 112.2 92.5 46.1 20.2 27.8 25.5 7-27 11-24 112.7 55.7 21.9 36.7 18.9 16-35 9-18 14 -7.9
Wed 1-25 1-25 H 209 (Ⅲ) Holy Cross HC W, 74-68 75 9-11 (3-3) -8.4 96.5 97.8 99.3 62.5 26.8 18.2 63.6 17-26 7-18 91.3 50.8 25.5 23.5 20.3 18-34 8-25 46 1
Sun 1-29 1-29 A 88 (Ⅱ) Lehigh Leh L, 83-64 78 9-12 (3-4) -8.9 84.6 102.4 82.5 44.9 20.6 14.3 30.5 16-39 7-20 107.0 49.3 12.9 26.8 25.7 24-40 7-30 10 -14.8
Sat 2-04 2-04 A 105 (Ⅱ) Bucknell Buck L, 81-68 66 9-13 (3-5) -9.4 111.6 115.3 103.7 53.3 21.3 18.5 55.6 12-31 8-14 123.5 68.2 18.3 20.0 63.6 21-33 6-11 41 -3.5
Wed 2-08 2-08 H 245 (Ⅲ) Lafayette Laf L, 90-74 74 9-14 (3-6) -10.3 92.9 116.4 99.8 45.3 27.0 39.4 58.5 15-28 6-25 121.4 54.6 14.8 30.0 68.5 22-40 5-14 7 -4.3
Sat 2-11 2-11 H 326 (Ⅳ) Navy Navy W, 69-63 2OT80 10-14 (4-6) -10.3 78.3 91.9 86.1 40.4 18.7 11.4 87.2 10-23 6-24 78.7 39.7 32.5 37.2 53.4 17-43 4-15 14 1.3
Wed 2-15 2-15 A 311 (Ⅳ) Colgate Colg W, 79-59 63 11-14 (5-6) -10.3 110.6 100.8 126.2 62.1 19.2 32.1 13.8 18-33 12-25 94.2 42.6 25.6 45.2 51.1 17-34 2-13 74 6.9
Sat 2-18 2-18 H 150 (Ⅲ) American Amer L, 74-50 65 11-15 (5-7) -11.1 83.9 110.1 77.0 35.7 24.6 26.5 38.8 13-28 3-21 114.0 67.0 26.2 33.3 11.3 25-39 7-14 4 -5.9
Wed 2-22 2-22 A 209 (Ⅲ) Holy Cross HC L, 82-51 67 11-16 (5-8) -11.9 80.4 122.8 76.4 33.0 24.0 34.9 35.7 14-29 3-27 122.8 57.8 18.0 36.7 29.3 23-40 7-18 1 -14.8
Sat 2-25 2-25 H 88 (Ⅱ) Lehigh Leh L, 74-72 OT72 11-17 (5-9) -12.7 102.2 98.1 99.5 52.6 18.0 22.9 31.0 17-32 9-26 102.2 55.9 27.6 34.4 18.6 21-38 8-21 61 0.1
Patriot League Tournament
Wed 2-29 2-29 A 150 (Ⅲ) American Amer L, 57-40 64 11-18 -13.3 65.4 88.9 62.9 29.8 20.4 24.4 17.5 11-31 4-26 89.6 45.7 22.0 19.4 43.5 12-29 6-17 3 -10.3
Date Opponent Result/Line Record WAB Adj. O Adj. D PPP eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P PPP eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P G-Sc +/-

Army Player Stats

Role • Games • Min% • O-Rating • Usage • PRPG! • D-PRPG • BPM • OBPM • DBPM • eFG% • TS% • O Reb% • D Reb% • Ast% • TOV % • A/TO • Blk% • Stl% • FTR • FC/40 • Dunks • Rim • Mid • FTs • Twos • 3P-Rate • 3P/100 • Threes
All • None • Core • Shooting • Basic

Compiled by Bart Torvik from sacred data and secret formulas.