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#231 - Bucknell (14-17)

Dave PaulsenPatriot League (9-5)

Tourney ResultsTeamcastTeam History

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Team Stats

Vs: | Venue:
Category Offense Defense Barthag
Adj. Eff. 98.8 236 105.1 227 .3301 231
eFG% 46.7 263 49.3 183
TO% 17.4 34 19.5 221
OR% 30.7 235 30.9 98
FTR 34.7 254 37.8 179
Adjust? Split?
Shooting Stats
3P% 32.9 223 38.9 335
2P% 45.3 253 45.1 67
FT% 73.0 44 71.9 314
Block % 8.2 99 9.9 127
Stylistic Stats
3P Rate 34.7 110 31.9 148
Ast. Rate 51.6 220 52.9 155
Adj. Tempo 64.2244

Fun Stuff

Category Offense Defense Barthag
Qual. Eff. 93.5 247 110.9 311 .1227 284
Last 10 Eff. 102.2 179 101.9 170 .5081 175
Close Games 6-8 (.429) 223
Qual. Games 0-1 (.000) 157
F.U.N. -0.0549 295
(Expected) Strength of Schedule
Non-con Overall
Elite L% 14 % 282 10 % 321
Basic 0.4075 303 0.3549 302
Committee Resumé Metrics
Q1-A Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Pre-Tourney 0-1 0-3 0-0 1-4 13-10

Schedule / Results

Offense Defense
Date Opponent Result/Line Record WAB AdjO AdjD EFF eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P EFF eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P G-Sc +/-
Fri 11-13 11-13 N 206 (Ⅳ) Mercer Mercer L, 89-80 76 0-1 -0.9 100.1 110.3 105.8 56.0 21.2 30.0 37.9 16-40 11-18 117.7 58.6 18.5 30.3 50.0 22-36 8-22 25 -1.4
Sat 11-14 11-14 A 84 (Ⅲ) Providence Prov L, 76-65 65 0-2 -1.4 102.3 97.3 100.3 43.3 17.0 37.1 26.7 20-41 4-19 117.3 46.2 20.1 57.1 32.3 15-33 10-32 64 0.6
Sun 11-15 11-15 N 346 (Ⅳ) Bryant Bryant W, 59-56 67 1-2 -1.4 85.6 102.2 88.7 38.9 15.0 25.6 44.4 12-36 6-18 84.1 43.5 22.5 18.9 22.2 13-37 7-17 12 6.9
Wed 11-18 11-18 A 265 (Ⅳ) Delaware Del W, 82-66 72 2-2 -1.3 107.9 93.9 113.7 63.1 29.1 31.6 78.6 19-34 5-8 91.5 39.4 25.0 52.1 22.5 22-53 4-18 83 9.3
Sat 11-21 11-21 H 310 (Ⅳ) Saint Francis SFU W, 70-58 64 3-2 -1.3 100.4 99.0 109.4 41.5 6.3 39.0 35.4 24-49 2-16 90.6 40.5 18.8 34.1 29.3 16-41 5-17 54 8.1
Tue 11-24 11-24 A 297 (Ⅳ) Columbia Col L, 73-59 59 3-3 -2.2 105.7 130.6 100.4 50.0 22.1 23.3 42.2 12-28 7-17 124.2 57.3 15.3 42.9 32.7 12-37 13-18 8 -0.9
Sat 11-28 11-28 A 336 (Ⅳ) Wagner Wag W, 85-61 72 4-3 -2.2 106.3 100.2 118.3 50.8 16.7 35.1 38.1 17-42 10-21 84.9 36.6 16.7 30.0 53.6 16-30 3-26 66 7.6
Wed 12-02 12-02 H 49 (I) Cornell Corn L, 104-98 OT79 4-4 -2.9 121.8 117.3 124.0 61.0 15.2 31.4 35.3 25-47 11-21 131.6 61.3 13.9 40.0 56.5 29-52 6-10 61 -6
Fri 12-04 12-04 A 282 (Ⅳ) Binghamton Bing! L, 64-60 70 4-5 -3.8 77.9 98.9 85.7 44.3 18.6 20.0 16.4 15-31 8-30 91.5 46.8 18.6 17.1 68.1 13-31 6-16 6 -8.5
Sun 12-06 12-06 A 122 (Ⅲ) Boston University BU L, 63-53 67 4-6 -4.5 81.5 93.2 79.3 38.9 21.0 20.5 29.6 9-23 8-31 94.3 47.1 18.0 20.0 36.5 14-30 7-22 18 -8.2
Sat 12-19 12-19 A 160 (Ⅲ) La Salle LaSalle L, 83-70 70 4-7 -5.2 103.1 110.8 100.0 50.8 18.6 21.6 20.0 17-37 9-23 118.6 65.2 22.9 27.3 60.9 21-33 6-13 30 -2.8
Tue 12-22 12-22 A 30 (I) Notre Dame ND L, 101-69 77 4-8 -5.5 93.5 110.9 90.1 40.4 11.8 27.5 21.9 16-47 9-26 131.9 69.7 22.2 36.0 29.5 26-40 11-21 12 -19.4
Mon 12-28 12-28 H 212 (Ⅳ) Loyola MD LMD L, 55-49 65 4-9 -6.4 71.3 89.8 75.3 38.2 24.6 30.6 37.3 12-35 5-16 84.6 39.8 23.1 33.3 31.5 17-47 3-7 7 -6.3
Wed 12-30 12-30 H 341 (Ⅳ) Marist Marist W, 70-67 OT64 5-9 -6.4 96.7 123.3 109.9 49.0 11.0 20.0 52.9 10-28 10-23 105.2 58.7 20.4 15.4 39.1 12-27 10-19 6 -0.9
Sat 1-02 1-02 H 48 (I-A) Richmond Rich L, 59-50 65 5-10 -7.1 81.7 87.3 76.8 41.0 29.2 29.4 30.0 13-28 5-22 90.6 45.5 15.4 22.2 27.3 13-35 8-20 32 -6.9
Mon 1-04 1-04 A 338 (Ⅳ) Dartmouth Dart L, 49-43 55 5-11 -8.1 73.9 107.6 77.5 34.7 27.0 37.5 20.4 11-33 4-16 88.3 50.0 16.2 11.5 31.0 15-34 4-8 1 -6.4
Sat 1-09 1-09 H 278 (Ⅳ) Navy Navy L, 69-67 63 5-12 (0-1) -9.0 98.2 118.8 105.9 49.0 25.3 46.2 52.1 16-34 5-14 109.1 55.6 17.4 29.0 25.9 18-36 8-18 10 -2.8
Wed 1-13 1-13 H 280 (Ⅳ) American Amer W, 72-68 OT65 6-12 (1-1) -9.0 103.4 117.2 111.0 42.9 1.5 28.9 36.5 21-50 4-13 104.8 48.4 17.0 33.3 12.7 17-36 9-27 19 -1.7
Sat 1-16 1-16 A 229 (Ⅳ) Holy Cross HC L, 82-69 66 6-13 (1-2) -9.9 104.1 119.4 105.3 59.3 18.3 14.3 14.8 23-38 6-16 125.1 58.0 18.3 42.3 60.0 20-39 6-11 17 -2.3
Wed 1-20 1-20 A 235 (Ⅳ) Lafayette Laf L, 61-57 73 6-14 (1-3) -10.7 72.8 82.0 78.1 39.8 23.3 28.3 17.2 15-35 7-29 83.6 52.1 31.5 15.4 29.8 17-33 5-14 20 -3.3
Sat 1-23 1-23 A 271 (Ⅳ) Colgate Colg W, 62-61 59 7-14 (2-3) -10.7 96.9 108.7 104.7 46.7 11.8 31.6 15.0 16-39 8-21 103.0 49.1 22.0 39.4 24.5 17-39 6-14 21 -6.1
Wed 1-27 1-27 H 177 (Ⅲ) Lehigh Leh W, 81-76 OT72 8-14 (3-3) -10.6 105.7 106.3 113.0 50.0 15.3 37.1 41.7 24-39 4-21 106.1 55.6 19.5 17.2 40.7 18-38 8-16 48 -0.3
Sat 1-30 1-30 H 254 (Ⅳ) Army Army W, 55-48 60 9-14 (4-3) -10.6 93.2 95.3 91.7 33.6 11.7 35.7 37.9 18-40 1-18 80.1 34.4 18.3 23.3 48.9 11-33 3-12 44 1.7
Fri 2-05 2-05 A 278 (Ⅳ) Navy Navy L, 81-79 70 9-15 (4-4) -11.5 107.9 123.1 113.2 53.1 18.6 36.1 18.5 18-40 11-25 116.1 58.8 12.9 24.3 43.9 14-32 13-25 18 -3.3
Thu 2-11 2-11 A 280 (Ⅳ) American Amer W, 73-59 64 10-15 (5-4) -11.4 112.7 98.3 114.8 45.2 4.7 21.9 61.5 19-39 3-13 92.8 42.2 20.5 30.6 45.1 11-32 7-19 83 9.1
Sun 2-14 2-14 H 229 (Ⅳ) Holy Cross HC W, 68-63 63 11-15 (6-4) -11.3 102.8 97.6 107.6 49.1 15.8 34.3 42.6 16-35 7-19 99.7 41.7 19.0 38.2 40.7 18-40 3-14 64 7.6
Wed 2-17 2-17 H 235 (Ⅳ) Lafayette Laf W, 78-67 71 12-15 (7-4) -11.3 103.6 91.1 110.0 45.4 15.5 46.3 40.0 22-48 5-17 94.5 41.1 18.3 32.5 35.5 15-39 7-23 81 12.3
Sun 2-21 2-21 H 271 (Ⅳ) Colgate Colg W, 69-49 61 13-15 (8-4) -11.3 102.8 87.3 113.3 55.9 16.4 31.8 27.5 24-38 3-13 80.5 38.5 24.6 37.1 28.8 14-37 4-15 87 9.3
Wed 2-24 2-24 A 177 (Ⅲ) Lehigh Leh L, 81-59 65 13-16 (8-5) -12.0 90.7 116.7 90.5 43.8 19.9 35.1 26.8 17-35 5-21 124.2 58.7 16.9 31.0 53.8 20-37 7-15 5 -10.2
Sat 2-27 2-27 A 254 (Ⅳ) Army Army W, 62-51 65 14-16 (9-5) -11.9 102.7 88.2 95.6 51.4 29.3 29.6 97.2 8-21 7-15 78.6 37.5 20.0 18.4 32.7 12-35 5-17 85 7.5
Patriot League Tournament
Wed 3-03 3-03 H 229 (Ⅳ) Holy Cross HC L, 67-64 58 14-17 -12.9 101.0 117.3 109.8 45.8 6.9 35.1 28.8 12-32 10-27 114.9 53.2 18.9 36.0 42.6 16-38 6-9 15 -3
Date Opponent Result/Line Record WAB Adj. O Adj. D PPP eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P PPP eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P G-Sc +/-

Bucknell Player Stats

Role • Games • Min% • O-Rating • Usage • PRPG! • D-PRPG • BPM • OBPM • DBPM • eFG% • TS% • O Reb% • D Reb% • Ast% • TOV % • A/TO • Blk% • Stl% • FTR • FC/40 • Dunks • Rim • Mid • FTs • Twos • 3P-Rate • 3P/100 • Threes
All • None • Core • Shooting • Basic

Compiled by Bart Torvik from sacred data and secret formulas.