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#258 - Cleveland St. (9-22)

Gary WatersHorizon League (5-13)

Tourney ResultsTeamcastTeam History

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Team Stats

Vs: | Venue:
Category Offense Defense Barthag
Adj. Eff. 95.8 321 103.3 144 .2967 258
eFG% 46.3 324 52.1 238
TO% 18.8 206 22.3 15
OR% 28.9 196 32.7 313
FTR 29.6 308 41.8 306
Adjust? Split?
Shooting Stats
3P% 30.7 328 35.3 188
2P% 46.5 285 51.7 257
FT% 68.4 239 68.2 57
Block % 9.3 194 8.6 190
Stylistic Stats
3P Rate 38.7 116 35.5 149
Ast. Rate 44.2 329 60.2 328
Adj. Tempo 65.9275

Fun Stuff

Category Offense Defense Barthag
Qual. Eff. 92.7 264 102.5 170 .2398 246
Last 10 Eff. 93.5 331 102.8 134 .2522 269
Close Games 2-9 (.182) 339
Qual. Games 0-2 (.000) 193
F.U.N. -0.0859 329
(Expected) Strength of Schedule
Non-con Overall
Elite L% 23 % 49 15 % 160
Basic 0.5265 66 0.4575 166
Committee Resumé Metrics
Q1-A Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Pre-Tourney 0-2 0-2 0-5 3-9 5-6

Schedule / Results

Offense Defense
Date Opponent Result/Line Record WAB AdjO AdjD EFF eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P EFF eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P G-Sc +/-
Sat 11-12 11-12 N 235 145 (Ⅲ) Kent St. Kent L, 79-74 OT73 0-1 -0.8 99.1 110.9 101.3 55.1 21.9 25.0 59.2 9-19 12-30 108.2 46.2 19.2 45.9 43.1 21-40 6-25 21 -8.2
Tue 11-15 11-15 H 245 198 (Ⅲ) Canisius Can W, 67-64 59 1-1 -0.7 105.4 109.5 114.5 52.5 17.1 48.4 8.3 21-40 7-20 109.4 50.0 20.5 39.4 25.9 15-35 8-19 39 -1.2
Fri 11-18 11-18 A 243 219 (Ⅲ) Tennessee Martin Martin L, 85-74 83 1-2 -1.6 81.5 102.3 88.7 45.1 21.6 28.3 22.5 17-38 10-33 101.9 59.3 30.0 33.3 51.9 23-35 6-19 7 -12.9
Wed 11-23 11-23 A 258 5 (I-A) Kentucky UK L, 101-70 82 1-3 -1.7 98.4 107.3 85.7 43.8 23.3 26.2 29.7 19-37 6-27 123.6 58.2 15.9 39.0 35.6 29-49 9-24 27 -19.2
Sun 11-27 11-27 A 262 214 (Ⅳ) Duquesne Duq L, 78-71 78 1-4 -2.5 91.0 100.0 91.0 42.3 20.5 30.2 36.9 20-47 5-18 99.9 54.5 25.6 37.1 56.4 21-41 6-14 25 -3.1
Wed 11-30 11-30 A 266 135 (Ⅲ) Arkansas St. ArkSt. L, 78-51 67 1-5 -3.2 83.6 108.1 75.9 44.6 34.2 33.3 34.8 13-27 5-19 116.1 57.7 19.3 36.7 55.8 21-34 6-18 5 -8.5
Sat 12-03 12-03 H 282 335 (Ⅳ) Bethune Cookman BCook W, 73-62 68 2-5 -3.1 98.4 98.7 107.4 45.0 14.7 42.1 50.0 21-41 4-19 91.2 41.0 22.1 45.7 20.9 20-48 5-19 49 9.5
Wed 12-07 12-07 H 279 164 (Ⅲ) Western Michigan W.Mich W, 85-62 66 3-5 -3.0 119.9 100.2 128.9 65.5 13.6 28.0 19.0 26-37 8-21 94.0 51.0 24.3 21.9 23.1 13-33 9-19 89 5.2
Sat 12-10 12-10 A 245 17 (I-A) Purdue Pur L, 77-53 69 3-6 -3.2 86.9 97.6 76.6 36.7 20.2 28.9 12.5 13-38 7-26 111.3 56.0 21.7 36.4 31.0 19-34 9-24 21 -14
Sat 12-17 12-17 A 244 96 (Ⅲ) Ohio Ohio L, 71-53 75 3-7 -3.8 76.7 90.6 70.6 34.7 24.0 24.4 32.2 16-38 3-21 94.6 58.3 30.7 19.2 39.6 13-26 10-22 13 -8.5
Mon 12-19 12-19 H 252 0 (Ⅳ) Lake Erie Lake E W, 79-62 70 4-7 -3.8 - - 113.3 51.6 17.2 34.3 25.8 20-40 8-22 88.9 50.0 22.9 18.2 6.9 17-30 8-28 - -
Thu 12-22 12-22 A 252 104 (Ⅱ) Belmont Belm L, 88-61 70 4-8 -4.4 95.4 111.5 86.8 39.7 17.1 23.1 32.8 14-34 6-24 125.3 69.8 17.1 19.2 41.5 16-23 14-30 14 -5.8
Thu 12-29 12-29 H 258 193 (Ⅲ) Green Bay GB L, 76-75 OT84 4-9 (0-1) -5.3 90.1 93.6 89.4 49.2 23.8 24.4 43.3 16-39 9-21 90.6 36.8 19.1 37.9 56.9 19-55 5-17 39 2.5
Sat 12-31 12-31 H 257 268 (Ⅳ) Milwaukee Mil W, 62-53 57 5-9 (1-1) -5.3 103.9 98.8 109.0 61.6 22.9 20.0 25.6 16-26 7-17 93.2 48.9 15.8 19.4 40.0 13-23 6-22 64 5.9
Thu 1-05 1-05 A 245 167 (Ⅲ) Wright St. WSU L, 55-51 60 5-10 (1-2) -6.0 84.8 88.9 84.8 41.3 19.9 23.3 41.3 13-22 4-24 91.4 41.3 31.6 44.4 70.0 9-27 5-13 37 -2.4
Sat 1-07 1-07 A 245 144 (Ⅱ) Northern Kentucky NKU L, 83-75 65 5-11 (1-3) -6.7 114.5 126.8 115.8 54.2 13.9 31.4 26.7 22-42 7-18 128.2 61.5 17.0 38.5 44.2 17-28 10-24 24 -8.7
Thu 1-12 1-12 H 252 231 (Ⅳ) Illinois Chicago UIC L, 59-54 71 5-12 (1-4) -7.6 74.4 84.9 75.7 46.1 26.7 14.3 29.4 13-31 7-20 82.8 48.0 28.1 26.5 44.9 16-35 5-14 18 -0.3
Sat 1-14 1-14 H 254 110 (Ⅱ) Valparaiso Valpo L, 78-67 66 5-13 (1-5) -8.5 106.0 116.3 101.2 46.3 12.1 21.6 46.3 13-30 8-24 117.8 44.2 16.6 45.2 71.2 20-41 2-11 26 -3.3
Mon 1-16 1-16 A 254 109 (Ⅲ) Oakland Oak W, 76-65 75 6-13 (2-5) -8.1 105.6 86.4 100.8 50.9 21.2 24.2 50.9 19-39 6-16 86.2 42.9 19.9 20.0 39.3 21-38 2-18 91 4.3
Fri 1-20 1-20 A 234 268 (Ⅳ) Milwaukee Mil L, 63-62 62 6-14 (2-6) -9.0 99.3 102.4 99.4 46.0 16.0 37.8 9.5 20-40 6-23 101.0 60.2 24.1 17.4 12.2 16-27 9-22 41 4.6
Mon 1-23 1-23 A 233 193 (Ⅲ) Green Bay GB L, 83-73 73 6-15 (2-7) -9.7 106.3 112.6 100.4 43.7 20.6 40.9 39.7 14-41 9-22 114.1 53.7 23.4 42.9 68.5 23-42 4-12 34 -0.7
Sat 1-28 1-28 A 234 294 (Ⅳ) Youngstown St. YSU L, 67-64 68 6-16 (2-8) -10.6 86.8 99.9 93.5 46.1 17.5 31.6 9.4 16-35 9-29 97.9 54.8 21.9 24.0 36.5 21-38 5-14 17 -2.9
Thu 2-02 2-02 H 236 290 (Ⅳ) Detroit Mercy UDM W, 90-73 71 7-16 (3-8) -10.6 110.2 109.6 126.1 58.6 14.0 30.6 35.9 21-35 11-29 102.3 54.0 22.4 33.3 58.0 15-31 8-19 52 4
Sat 2-04 2-04 H 233 109 (Ⅲ) Oakland Oak L, 53-51 65 7-17 (3-9) -11.4 79.4 83.2 78.0 35.9 15.3 28.9 14.1 17-42 4-22 81.0 42.0 36.7 50.0 36.0 15-39 4-11 37 -2.8
Thu 2-09 2-09 A 233 110 (Ⅱ) Valparaiso Valpo L, 78-57 67 7-18 (3-10) -12.0 89.8 114.1 85.1 40.3 16.4 26.2 17.7 19-43 4-19 116.5 57.3 13.4 31.3 19.4 25-40 7-22 6 -12.7
Sat 2-11 2-11 A 237 231 (Ⅳ) Illinois Chicago UIC W, 66-63 68 8-18 (4-10) -11.9 95.1 96.5 97.7 52.0 19.3 25.8 43.1 19-35 5-16 93.3 50.0 26.7 18.5 33.3 15-28 6-20 46 -0.5
Thu 2-16 2-16 H 244 144 (Ⅱ) Northern Kentucky NKU L, 62-60 63 8-19 (4-11) -12.8 91.7 100.8 95.6 43.6 12.7 21.1 29.1 12-33 8-22 98.7 46.2 15.9 25.7 40.4 12-26 8-26 25 -4.5
Sat 2-18 2-18 H 243 167 (Ⅲ) Wright St. WSU L, 74-68 2OT79 8-20 (4-12) -13.7 86.5 91.0 86.2 42.7 22.8 26.2 35.5 13-30 9-32 93.8 51.9 24.1 20.0 48.1 16-34 8-20 36 2.4
Tue 2-21 2-21 A 245 290 (Ⅳ) Detroit Mercy UDM L, 91-83 75 8-21 (4-13) -14.6 101.6 121.4 110.0 52.9 14.6 26.2 18.6 16-37 14-33 120.6 67.3 25.2 34.6 67.3 21-33 8-16 11 -5.7
Sat 2-25 2-25 H 248 294 (Ⅳ) Youngstown St. YSU W, 69-55 67 9-21 (5-13) -14.5 93.3 87.3 103.7 38.1 10.5 39.6 37.3 18-49 5-18 82.6 45.3 25.5 28.1 20.8 18-31 4-22 68 6.9
Horizon League Tournament
Fri 3-03 3-03 N 238 294 (Ⅳ) Youngstown St. YSU L, 84-69 68 9-22 -15.5 99.0 121.4 101.7 42.6 8.8 28.6 16.2 20-44 6-24 123.8 59.6 14.7 25.0 35.1 19-35 10-22 9 -0.6
Date Opponent Result/Line Record WAB Adj. O Adj. D PPP eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P PPP eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P G-Sc +/-

Cleveland St. Player Stats

Role • Games • Min% • O-Rating • Usage • PRPG! • D-PRPG • BPM • OBPM • DBPM • eFG% • TS% • O Reb% • D Reb% • Ast% • TOV % • A/TO • Blk% • Stl% • FTR • FC/40 • Dunks • Rim • Mid • FTs • Twos • 3P-Rate • 3P/100 • Threes
All • None • Core • Shooting • Basic

Compiled by Bart Torvik from sacred data and secret formulas.