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#331 - Dartmouth (6-21)

David McLaughlinIvy League (2-12)

Tourney ResultsTeamcastTeam History

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Team Stats

Vs: | Venue:
Category Offense Defense Barthag
Adj. Eff. 93.7 345 109.6 255 .1406 331
eFG% 47.6 290 54.2 339
TO% 19.4 320 13.4 346
OR% 20.7 356 24.5 20
FTR 27.8 312 24.4 12
Adjust? Split?
Shooting Stats
3P% 31.2 312 37.0 342
2P% 48.2 270 53.2 305
FT% 67.5 319 70.2 79
Block % 9.7 222 10.3 118
Stylistic Stats
3P Rate 42.7 48 42.4 328
Ast. Rate 55.5 66 52.4 231
Adj. Tempo 65.1313

Fun Stuff

Category Offense Defense Barthag
Qual. Eff. 96.8 246 110.4 261 .1797 270
Last 10 Eff. 96.4 314 112.5 297 .1455 330
Close Games 1-3 (.250) 337
Qual. Games 0-1 (.000) 181
F.U.N. -0.0152 215
(Expected) Strength of Schedule
Non-con Overall
Elite L% 13 % 255 14 % 173
Basic 0.3734 279 0.4591 165
Current 0.3734 279 0.4591 165
Committee Resumé Metrics
Q1-A Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Pre-Tourney 0-1 0-2 0-4 0-9 4-6

Schedule / Results

Offense Defense
Date Opponent Result/Line Record WAB AdjO AdjD EFF eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P EFF eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P G-Sc +/-
Mon 11-06 11-06 A 206 8 (I-A) Duke Duke L, 92-54 68 0-1 -0.2 96.8 110.4 79.5 37.5 19.1 26.3 30.4 15-38 4-18 135.5 70.3 13.3 20.8 20.3 31-42 7-17 18 -12.8
Fri 11-10 11-10 H 216 168 (Ⅲ) UMass Lowell Lowell L, 81-48 71 0-2 -1.1 66.9 116.6 68.0 34.5 21.2 23.8 32.7 16-34 2-21 114.7 57.0 17.0 27.3 18.8 26-43 7-21 0 -20.3
Wed 11-15 11-15 H 248 0 (Ⅳ) Westfield St. Westfi W, 79-61 74 1-2 -1.1 - - 107.3 47.5 16.3 31.4 44.1 19-30 6-29 82.9 43.3 19.0 18.6 6.0 14-35 10-32 - -
Sat 11-25 11-25 A 247 176 (Ⅲ) Saint Louis SLU L, 66-65 66 1-3 -1.9 91.8 94.7 98.4 49.1 16.7 21.9 32.1 17-27 6-26 100.0 41.7 9.1 23.7 35.0 19-45 4-15 41 -2.9
Wed 11-29 11-29 A 250 113 (Ⅱ) Vermont Verm L, 64-53 62 1-4 -2.5 96.1 99.0 85.1 45.7 12.9 15.8 8.6 13-32 9-26 102.8 51.9 16.1 23.3 28.8 15-28 8-24 42 -1.7
Sat 12-02 12-02 A 250 247 (Ⅳ) Albany Alb L, 73-68 77 1-5 -3.3 86.1 93.7 88.3 50.0 23.4 11.8 28.6 19-30 6-26 94.8 46.8 18.2 27.9 38.1 22-43 5-20 27 -1.3
Wed 12-06 12-06 H 252 280 (Ⅳ) New Hampshire NH W, 76-64 67 2-5 -3.3 114.2 101.2 114.0 56.7 7.5 11.1 18.3 13-27 14-33 96.0 38.6 10.5 29.5 22.7 18-46 5-20 80 12
Sat 12-09 12-09 H 242 216 (Ⅳ) Marist Marist L, 63-53 63 2-6 -4.3 88.5 108.6 83.9 46.9 23.7 14.7 27.1 12-25 7-23 99.7 54.0 17.4 16.7 26.0 12-22 10-28 9 -3.8
Wed 12-13 12-13 H 253 293 (Ⅳ) Boston University BU W, 63-56 64 3-6 -4.2 96.2 94.2 98.8 57.0 20.4 9.1 41.9 14-24 7-19 87.8 41.4 15.7 29.3 32.8 18-35 4-23 56 6.1
Sat 12-16 12-16 A 254 307 (Ⅳ) Le Moyne LeMoy L, 80-54 67 3-7 -5.1 84.1 118.4 80.2 40.2 25.3 28.2 21.4 15-28 5-28 118.9 66.4 20.8 25.0 6.9 16-25 15-33 2 -6.1
Mon 12-18 12-18 H 283 0 (Ⅳ) Thomas (ME) Thomas W, 77-48 70 4-7 -5.1 - - 110.2 49.2 17.2 37.8 45.8 17-30 8-29 68.7 38.6 25.8 18.9 7.0 13-35 6-22 - -
Thu 12-21 12-21 A 282 289 (Ⅳ) Sacred Heart SHU L, 67-57 64 4-8 -6.0 88.7 103.1 88.6 40.0 21.8 41.5 43.6 16-33 4-22 104.2 49.2 12.4 20.6 18.6 20-46 6-13 15 -0.6
Sat 12-30 12-30 A 284 188 (Ⅲ) Vanderbilt Vandy L, 69-53 67 4-9 -6.8 82.1 99.9 79.1 42.5 19.4 9.1 15.1 15-31 5-22 102.9 49.2 9.0 13.5 14.5 17-35 9-27 9 -5.7
Sat 1-06 1-06 A 299 199 (Ⅲ) Penn Penn L, 80-51 65 4-10 (0-1) -7.6 75.8 116.5 78.3 41.0 18.4 6.1 26.0 7-19 9-31 122.8 63.6 13.8 24.2 30.9 14-30 14-25 1 -16.1
Mon 1-15 1-15 A 320 97 (I) Princeton Prin L, 76-58 62 4-11 (0-2) -8.2 95.0 111.5 93.8 50.0 16.2 16.1 23.5 15-34 7-17 123.0 55.9 8.1 17.2 45.1 12-25 11-26 14 -10.9
Sat 1-20 1-20 H 323 93 (Ⅲ) Yale Yale L, 76-51 66 4-12 (0-3) -9.0 83.5 109.3 77.7 34.6 19.8 21.1 32.7 9-30 6-22 115.8 51.5 12.2 35.3 16.9 26-44 5-21 4 -10.4
Sat 1-27 1-27 H 336 180 (Ⅳ) Brown Brown W, 75-71 63 5-12 (1-3) -8.9 114.2 120.7 119.9 56.9 20.8 39.4 22.4 15-38 12-20 113.5 52.9 11.2 25.0 40.4 14-25 9-27 35 -6.5
Fri 2-02 2-02 H 338 111 (Ⅲ) Cornell Corn L, 56-53 61 5-13 (1-4) -9.8 82.8 89.1 86.4 48.1 22.8 21.9 3.7 14-24 8-30 91.2 42.4 9.8 20.5 13.6 16-28 6-31 30 -4.9
Sat 2-03 2-03 H 338 205 (Ⅳ) Columbia Col L, 72-56 63 5-14 (1-5) -10.7 85.8 111.9 88.5 42.2 12.6 15.8 43.1 17-36 3-15 113.8 56.0 15.8 34.3 25.9 16-33 11-25 4 -6.7
Sat 2-10 2-10 A 343 214 (Ⅲ) Harvard Harv L, 77-59 66 5-15 (1-6) -11.5 92.7 118.9 89.8 45.0 19.8 15.2 38.0 15-36 5-14 117.1 60.0 15.2 21.4 44.0 15-29 10-21 5 -8.7
Fri 2-16 2-16 A 344 205 (Ⅲ) Columbia Col L, 73-63 71 5-16 (1-7) -12.3 82.1 105.6 89.3 45.7 22.7 27.8 25.9 19-45 5-13 103.4 52.6 14.2 18.9 32.8 14-39 11-19 5 -13.5
Sat 2-17 2-17 A 345 111 (Ⅱ) Cornell Corn L, 89-80 71 5-17 (1-8) -13.0 115.8 114.9 112.8 61.3 24.0 26.7 41.5 13-26 13-27 125.5 56.3 9.9 35.1 37.5 18-28 12-36 52 -2.6
Fri 2-23 2-23 H 338 199 (Ⅳ) Penn Penn L, 82-69 61 5-18 (1-9) -13.9 103.5 133.5 113.0 53.3 11.5 27.8 15.0 14-26 12-34 134.2 63.9 8.2 25.0 6.6 18-30 14-31 5 -10.2
Sat 2-24 2-24 H 343 97 (Ⅱ) Princeton Prin L, 68-56 61 5-19 (1-10) -14.7 94.8 99.3 91.6 52.2 22.9 17.2 28.3 12-25 8-21 111.2 51.9 11.5 19.4 32.7 12-17 10-35 37 -1
Fri 3-01 3-01 A 335 93 (Ⅱ) Yale Yale L, 80-56 61 5-20 (1-11) -15.2 100.6 119.4 91.1 46.9 17.9 16.7 28.6 14-27 6-22 130.1 63.3 11.4 32.1 11.7 23-38 10-22 12 -9.1
Sat 3-02 3-02 A 335 180 (Ⅲ) Brown Brown L, 89-67 71 5-21 (1-12) -16.0 98.5 122.4 94.3 55.4 26.7 24.1 60.9 18-31 5-15 125.3 70.0 16.9 17.9 13.3 18-31 16-29 8 -8.8
Tue 3-05 3-05 H 336 214 (Ⅳ) Harvard Harv W, 76-69 69 6-21 (2-12) -16.0 105.1 108.8 109.7 57.8 15.9 17.2 19.0 20-35 9-23 99.6 50.8 14.4 21.6 7.7 18-35 10-30 40 -1.9
Date Opponent Result/Line Record WAB Adj. O Adj. D PPP eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P PPP eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P G-Sc +/-

Dartmouth Player Stats

Role • Games • Min% • O-Rating • Usage • PRPG! • D-PRPG • BPM • OBPM • DBPM • eFG% • TS% • O Reb% • D Reb% • Ast% • TOV % • A/TO • Blk% • Stl% • FTR • FC/40 • Dunks • Rim • Mid • FTs • Twos • 3P-Rate • 3P/100 • Threes
All • None • Core • Shooting • Basic

Compiled by Bart Torvik from sacred data and secret formulas.