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#304 - Detroit Mercy (8-23)

Mike DavisHorizon League (6-12)

Tourney ResultsTeamcastTeam History

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Team Stats

Vs: | Venue:
Category Offense Defense Barthag
Adj. Eff. 99.7 224 111.8 325 .2118 304
eFG% 46.2 317 53.1 319
TO% 19.1 203 17.0 285
OR% 30.8 82 30.5 290
FTR 32.1 198 31.8 170
Adjust? Split?
Shooting Stats
3P% 32.3 221 36.3 312
2P% 44.5 342 52.2 283
FT% 78.2 10 72.3 250
Block % 10.4 303 8.2 193
Stylistic Stats
3P Rate 44.1 38 39.2 229
Ast. Rate 44.5 319 62.2 346
Adj. Tempo 69.4103

Fun Stuff

Category Offense Defense Barthag
Qual. Eff. 102.7 131 113.4 309 .2417 252
Last 10 Eff. 100.3 208 117.9 348 .1356 324
Close Games 4-7 (.364) 279
Qual. Games 0-4 (.000) 330
F.U.N. -0.0393 267
(Expected) Strength of Schedule
Non-con Overall
Elite L% 24 % 26 14 % 159
Basic 0.5895 21 0.4558 171
Committee Resumé Metrics
Q1-A Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Pre-Tourney 0-1 0-3 0-3 2-9 6-8

Schedule / Results

Offense Defense
Date Opponent Result/Line Record WAB AdjO AdjD EFF eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P EFF eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P G-Sc +/-
Sun 11-10 11-10 A 183 46 (I) N.C. State NCSt. L, 84-65 75 0-1 -0.4 92.6 101.9 86.4 44.2 19.9 28.2 33.3 19-35 5-25 111.6 55.7 14.6 14.7 34.4 19-32 10-29 25 -11.7
Sun 11-17 11-17 A 185 72 (Ⅱ) Clemson Clem L, 87-65 73 0-2 -0.8 102.9 112.9 89.4 38.1 24.8 40.0 37.3 12-35 7-24 119.6 56.2 19.3 40.5 32.3 20-32 11-33 26 -7.9
Tue 11-19 11-19 A 201 239 (Ⅳ) Wyoming Wyo L, 76-49 72 0-3 -1.7 77.5 106.1 68.1 35.1 15.3 16.3 7.5 10-34 9-33 105.6 55.5 15.3 6.5 29.1 17-29 9-26 3 -5.7
Sun 11-24 11-24 N 232 114 (Ⅲ) UC Irvine UCI W, 86-74 76 1-3 -1.4 115.1 95.8 113.0 55.5 15.8 21.2 54.5 8-23 15-32 97.2 42.0 15.8 32.4 27.5 23-45 4-24 89 5.5
Mon 11-25 11-25 N 211 233 (Ⅳ) Louisiana ULL L, 81-62 77 1-4 -2.3 80.1 104.9 81.0 42.9 22.2 6.9 49.0 9-19 8-30 105.9 53.0 20.9 33.3 23.9 22-39 9-28 4 -7.5
Sat 11-30 11-30 A 235 149 (Ⅲ) Ohio Ohio L, 91-81 72 1-5 -3.0 109.5 128.4 112.6 57.9 19.5 24.2 35.1 15-22 12-35 126.5 61.6 16.7 32.1 46.4 21-36 9-20 14 -14.4
Tue 12-03 12-03 A 252 130 (Ⅱ) Kent St. Kent L, 92-57 74 1-6 -3.6 87.1 111.3 77.5 33.9 21.7 31.8 29.0 12-40 6-22 125.0 57.4 16.3 38.2 23.5 27-42 8-26 6 -7.9
Sat 12-07 12-07 H 267 194 (Ⅳ) Eastern Michigan EMich L, 55-51 66 1-7 -4.5 77.0 94.1 76.9 32.1 25.6 34.1 28.6 3-23 10-33 82.9 53.7 30.2 11.1 46.3 13-21 6-20 9 -7.1
Tue 12-10 12-10 A 282 55 (I) Notre Dame ND L, 110-71 73 1-8 -4.9 108.7 130.4 96.9 49.2 17.7 25.0 15.2 19-36 9-30 150.1 73.9 13.6 35.7 11.6 21-30 20-39 11 -13.3
Sat 12-14 12-14 H 292 166 (Ⅲ) Toledo Tol L, 80-72 68 1-9 -5.8 105.2 111.5 106.3 49.2 14.8 28.2 21.0 11-34 13-28 118.1 49.2 13.3 34.2 47.5 11-34 12-25 34 1.5
Thu 12-19 12-19 H 295 121 (Ⅲ) Northeastern NE L, 74-61 65 1-10 -6.7 94.2 109.3 93.2 38.9 13.8 23.1 50.0 15-36 4-18 113.1 51.8 18.3 39.4 29.8 16-33 9-24 15 -6.1
Sat 12-21 12-21 H 306 330 (Ⅳ) SIU Edwardsville SIUE W, 81-55 65 2-10 -6.6 115.5 95.3 125.0 55.1 18.5 41.2 28.8 13-32 13-27 84.9 41.2 21.6 27.0 39.2 15-35 4-16 90 14.9
Sat 12-28 12-28 A 294 230 (Ⅲ) Oakland Oak L, 78-69 72 2-11 (0-1) -7.5 89.8 114.2 95.2 36.4 19.3 38.8 36.4 6-20 12-46 107.7 58.8 19.3 24.2 35.1 20-32 9-25 6 -12.8
Mon 12-30 12-30 A 305 3 (I-A) Gonzaga Zags L, 93-72 73 2-12 -7.6 106.6 108.5 99.2 49.2 19.3 28.2 18.8 18-36 9-28 128.2 58.5 11.0 33.3 36.9 23-42 10-23 45 -16.4
Fri 1-03 1-03 H 305 174 (Ⅲ) Northern Kentucky NKU W, 66-58 71 3-12 (1-1) -7.5 90.5 85.6 92.6 52.9 28.1 31.3 39.2 21-36 4-15 81.4 39.5 21.0 20.5 29.8 12-31 7-26 65 1.8
Sun 1-05 1-05 H 307 122 (Ⅲ) Wright St. WSU L, 70-69 67 3-13 (1-2) -8.4 103.3 102.2 102.4 54.3 20.8 30.0 17.2 21-38 7-20 103.9 40.6 11.9 40.0 30.4 19-52 6-17 53 -0.1
Thu 1-09 1-09 A 292 318 (Ⅳ) Cleveland St. Clev L, 64-59 66 3-14 (1-3) -9.3 86.1 108.1 89.6 37.1 18.2 34.0 18.2 11-32 9-34 97.2 50.0 15.2 23.5 45.1 18-40 5-11 7 -5.9
Sat 1-11 1-11 A 299 235 (Ⅲ) Youngstown St. YSU L, 69-67 67 3-15 (1-4) -10.1 92.2 103.6 99.7 48.2 16.4 25.0 31.6 14-33 9-24 102.7 49.0 19.3 29.0 49.0 13-29 8-22 21 -5.4
Thu 1-16 1-16 A 283 268 (Ⅳ) Milwaukee Mil W, 90-84 77 4-15 (2-4) -10.0 119.1 112.6 117.6 54.4 22.2 37.5 54.4 16-35 10-22 109.7 48.5 15.7 34.9 35.3 18-42 10-26 66 8
Sat 1-18 1-18 A 283 221 (Ⅲ) Green Bay GB L, 83-80 74 4-16 (2-5) -10.8 102.3 105.9 107.4 46.1 20.1 41.5 40.6 19-40 7-24 111.4 52.2 20.1 37.5 23.9 17-40 12-27 40 0.2
Thu 1-23 1-23 H 281 336 (Ⅳ) IU Indy IU Indy W, 76-64 71 5-16 (3-5) -10.8 96.2 91.6 107.8 49.2 15.6 33.3 18.2 19-37 9-29 90.8 47.0 18.4 26.2 10.6 19-37 8-29 64 12.6
Sat 1-25 1-25 H 272 191 (Ⅳ) Illinois Chicago UIC W, 70-69 66 6-16 (4-5) -10.7 110.8 111.3 106.6 50.9 13.7 20.0 27.3 19-32 6-23 105.1 53.6 21.3 31.3 23.2 18-34 8-22 49 2.5
Fri 1-31 1-31 H 267 230 (Ⅳ) Oakland Oak L, 77-64 69 6-17 (4-6) -11.7 88.9 118.5 93.3 45.5 20.4 27.8 33.9 15-32 7-24 112.3 52.0 21.9 39.4 68.0 14-24 8-26 4 -9.7
Thu 2-06 2-06 A 279 122 (Ⅱ) Wright St. WSU L, 98-86 75 6-18 (4-7) -12.3 115.1 127.3 114.0 55.3 17.2 27.8 21.2 17-36 13-30 130.0 66.7 9.3 12.9 19.7 26-42 12-24 24 -11.5
Sat 2-08 2-08 A 275 174 (Ⅲ) Northern Kentucky NKU L, 84-65 70 6-19 (4-8) -13.0 97.4 116.9 92.4 51.1 25.6 24.1 53.2 15-27 6-20 119.4 51.6 15.6 42.1 46.8 20-40 8-22 11 -7.5
Thu 2-13 2-13 H 278 235 (Ⅳ) Youngstown St. YSU L, 76-72 63 6-20 (4-9) -14.0 101.0 125.4 113.5 47.0 12.6 42.5 14.9 18-45 9-22 119.8 59.1 15.8 26.7 27.3 22-40 7-15 8 -8.9
Sat 2-15 2-15 H 282 318 (Ⅳ) Cleveland St. Clev L, 67-66 OT71 6-21 (4-10) -14.9 85.5 109.6 93.0 45.4 24.0 32.4 42.6 17-38 5-16 94.4 44.6 16.9 37.5 29.2 23-50 4-15 5 -6.2
Fri 2-21 2-21 H 292 221 (Ⅳ) Green Bay GB L, 84-67 69 6-22 (4-11) -15.9 92.2 115.9 96.7 38.7 20.2 42.1 33.9 18-47 4-15 121.3 58.3 17.3 40.0 30.0 20-39 10-21 7 -4.7
Sun 2-23 2-23 H 299 268 (Ⅳ) Milwaukee Mil W, 79-73 71 7-22 (5-11) -15.8 105.5 114.7 112.0 50.0 22.7 41.7 47.4 15-33 9-24 103.5 45.8 8.5 29.5 15.3 21-41 8-31 28 -1.7
Thu 2-27 2-27 A 296 191 (Ⅲ) Illinois Chicago UIC L, 84-67 74 7-23 (5-12) -16.6 100.1 115.2 91.1 35.3 12.2 35.2 47.1 15-35 6-33 114.2 62.0 21.8 25.0 42.6 20-32 9-22 17 -4
Sat 2-29 2-29 A 301 336 (Ⅳ) IU Indy IU Indy W, 90-88 73 8-23 (6-12) -16.5 108.1 123.7 122.8 59.5 13.6 28.1 31.7 21-34 11-29 120.1 56.0 12.3 32.4 25.4 27-45 7-22 18 -1
Date Opponent Result/Line Record WAB Adj. O Adj. D PPP eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P PPP eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P G-Sc +/-

Detroit Mercy Player Stats

Role • Games • Min% • O-Rating • Usage • PRPG! • D-PRPG • BPM • OBPM • DBPM • eFG% • TS% • O Reb% • D Reb% • Ast% • TOV % • A/TO • Blk% • Stl% • FTR • FC/40 • Dunks • Rim • Mid • FTs • Twos • 3P-Rate • 3P/100 • Threes
All • None • Core • Shooting • Basic

Compiled by Bart Torvik from sacred data and secret formulas.