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#312 - Hartford (8-22)

Dan LeibovitzAmerica East Conference (6-10)

Tourney ResultsTeamcastTeam History

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Team Stats

Vs: | Venue:
Category Offense Defense Barthag
Adj. Eff. 94.2 296 110.5 309 .1377 312
eFG% 46.8 259 51.8 298
TO% 17.9 52 20.8 134
OR% 27.0 321 34.4 256
FTR 27.9 337 49.5 331
Adjust? Split?
Shooting Stats
3P% 34.4 154 38.6 330
2P% 43.5 307 47.9 183
FT% 63.9 315 69.1 185
Block % 10.2 237 8.5 195
Stylistic Stats
3P Rate 40.4 31 38.4 324
Ast. Rate 50.9 248 54.1 185
Adj. Tempo 63.2275

Fun Stuff

Category Offense Defense Barthag
Qual. Eff. 106.2 101 111.2 312 .0772 191
Last 10 Eff. 86.8 336 107.7 266 772 332
Close Games 6-5 (.545) 128
Qual. Games 0-3 (.000) 246
F.U.N. -0.0318 241
(Expected) Strength of Schedule
Non-con Overall
Elite L% 19 % 166 13 % 249
Basic 0.3982 311 0.3773 285
Committee Resumé Metrics
Q1-A Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Pre-Tourney 0-2 0-2 0-1 0-11 8-8

Schedule / Results

Offense Defense
Date Opponent Result/Line Record WAB AdjO AdjD EFF eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P EFF eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P G-Sc +/-
Fri 11-13 11-13 N 199 (Ⅲ) Quinnipiac Quin L, 85-74 74 0-1 -0.9 100.2 110.7 100.1 51.0 21.6 28.1 60.8 20-38 4-13 115.0 57.1 20.3 35.3 60.7 23-42 6-14 24 -1.1
Sun 11-15 11-15 A 7 (I-A) Baylor Bay L, 71-69 60 0-2 -1.1 127.4 97.0 114.3 52.8 13.3 27.3 29.6 9-21 13-33 117.6 55.3 16.6 45.2 26.3 21-39 7-18 96 3.6
Wed 11-18 11-18 H 341 (Ⅳ) Marist Marist W, 75-38 63 1-2 -1.1 101.4 75.3 118.7 63.0 19.0 28.6 18.5 16-29 12-25 60.1 30.6 25.3 28.9 25.9 6-27 7-27 97 15.5
Sat 11-21 11-21 H 294 (Ⅳ) Fordham Fordh W, 70-62 68 2-2 -1.0 99.1 100.4 103.1 48.0 22.1 31.4 60.0 15-35 6-15 91.3 51.0 20.6 17.6 30.8 16-33 7-19 46 6.6
Tue 11-24 11-24 A 235 (Ⅳ) Lafayette Laf L, 86-82 67 2-3 -1.9 110.9 128.7 122.1 59.4 11.9 29.7 26.6 26-47 8-17 128.1 72.7 22.3 39.1 72.7 17-23 10-21 15 -8.5
Sat 11-28 11-28 A 338 (Ⅳ) Dartmouth Dart L, 68-56 66 2-4 -2.9 84.2 122.8 85.4 40.6 21.4 38.1 12.5 17-37 6-27 103.7 52.2 24.4 38.5 60.9 15-28 6-18 1 -6.8
Wed 12-02 12-02 H 262 (Ⅳ) Yale Yale L, 48-46 51 2-5 -3.8 87.7 97.6 89.6 46.6 13.6 20.0 29.5 13-30 5-14 93.5 44.4 23.4 41.2 40.0 14-32 4-13 23 3.9
Thu 12-03 12-03 A 62 (Ⅱ) Seton Hall SHU L, 89-56 73 2-6 -4.3 85.0 105.5 77.1 38.3 23.4 30.2 26.7 14-43 6-17 122.5 54.2 19.3 45.7 55.0 19-35 9-25 8 -12.9
Sun 12-06 12-06 A 160 (Ⅲ) La Salle LaSalle L, 75-62 68 2-7 -5.0 90.4 107.0 91.4 44.5 16.2 17.9 34.5 11-34 9-21 110.5 58.0 28.0 39.3 75.0 9-23 11-21 13 -9.2
Tue 12-08 12-08 A 319 (Ⅳ) St. Francis NY SFNY L, 63-60 58 2-8 -6.0 102.3 121.8 102.7 55.6 29.1 30.8 31.1 13-23 8-22 107.9 52.0 17.1 34.4 25.5 13-28 9-23 12 -0.2
Fri 12-11 12-11 H 288 (Ⅳ) Sacred Heart SHU L, 76-65 68 2-9 -6.9 91.6 113.4 95.4 50.8 14.7 11.4 8.3 17-39 9-21 111.6 58.2 29.4 43.3 51.0 9-18 13-31 8 0.3
Tue 12-29 12-29 A 4 (I-A) Kentucky UK L, 104-61 69 2-10 -7.1 106.4 131.2 89.0 48.3 20.4 19.4 8.6 10-29 12-29 151.8 70.6 10.2 41.4 20.6 27-40 14-28 8 -23.2
Sat 1-02 1-02 A 310 (Ⅳ) Saint Francis SFU L, 64-52 59 2-11 -8.0 79.8 118.7 87.9 39.6 10.1 18.9 32.1 12-27 6-26 108.2 64.5 28.7 23.5 96.8 11-19 6-12 1 -11.2
Thu 1-07 1-07 A 170 (Ⅲ) Stony Brook SB L, 70-59 63 2-12 (0-1) -8.8 94.7 108.4 93.1 49.1 22.1 30.6 18.2 15-30 8-25 110.5 51.3 25.2 40.7 100.0 7-24 9-16 18 -6.2
Sat 1-09 1-09 H 122 (Ⅲ) Boston University BU L, 84-70 73 2-13 (0-2) -9.7 98.7 114.0 95.9 44.4 15.1 25.6 38.1 19-41 6-22 115.1 58.7 20.6 24.1 80.4 12-25 10-21 16 -6.7
Thu 1-14 1-14 A 321 (Ⅳ) UMBC UMBC W, 74-68 59 3-13 (1-2) -9.6 111.7 124.5 125.6 51.9 15.3 43.8 38.9 16-31 8-23 115.4 54.4 17.0 29.6 55.6 14-29 7-16 22 0.9
Sat 1-16 1-16 H 270 (Ⅳ) New Hampshire NH W, 56-53 64 4-13 (2-2) -9.6 84.7 96.9 87.8 41.8 18.8 23.5 20.0 14-37 6-18 83.1 37.0 18.8 31.1 44.4 8-31 8-23 18 -3.1
Tue 1-19 1-19 A 148 (Ⅲ) Vermont Verm L, 78-66 66 4-14 (2-3) -10.3 104.2 115.3 100.5 46.2 12.2 28.6 15.2 17-39 9-27 118.8 52.0 18.3 46.7 75.5 21-38 3-11 24 -6.1
Thu 1-21 1-21 H 282 (Ⅳ) Binghamton Bing! W, 64-63 64 5-14 (3-3) -10.3 91.3 104.9 99.3 51.0 23.3 24.1 32.7 13-29 8-20 97.7 53.8 20.2 19.2 13.2 24-37 3-16 17 -0.8
Sat 1-23 1-23 H 227 (Ⅲ) Maine Maine L, 77-69 66 5-15 (3-4) -11.2 107.8 129.1 104.9 51.7 15.2 26.3 21.7 13-32 12-28 117.0 65.1 22.8 18.2 55.8 10-25 12-18 11 -3.6
Wed 1-27 1-27 A 300 (Ⅳ) Albany Alb W, 64-62 61 6-15 (4-4) -11.2 100.4 104.2 104.4 53.9 22.8 35.5 27.5 14-27 9-24 101.1 52.2 29.4 39.3 46.7 13-26 7-19 39 4.1
Wed 2-03 2-03 H 170 (Ⅲ) Stony Brook SB L, 54-44 62 6-16 (4-5) -12.1 68.1 89.9 70.9 38.5 24.2 30.8 25.0 14-27 4-25 87.0 40.4 22.6 28.1 48.9 16-36 2-11 4 -8.5
Sat 2-06 2-06 A 270 (Ⅳ) New Hampshire NH W, 57-54 57 7-16 (5-5) -12.0 102.6 104.7 100.4 45.7 10.6 22.6 52.2 15-29 4-17 95.1 40.5 17.6 41.9 25.9 13-30 7-28 44 2
Thu 2-11 2-11 H 321 (Ⅳ) UMBC UMBC L, 78-70 70 7-17 (5-6) -13.0 87.5 123.3 100.5 47.1 15.8 36.7 25.0 14-33 12-35 112.0 48.8 17.2 22.6 132.5 12-29 5-11 2 -6.7
Sat 2-13 2-13 A 122 (Ⅲ) Boston University BU L, 58-55 69 7-18 (5-7) -13.6 82.2 83.1 79.8 33.3 21.8 38.1 42.1 16-42 2-15 84.1 30.1 13.1 32.7 32.4 16-45 3-23 47 -3.7
Wed 2-17 2-17 H 148 (Ⅲ) Vermont Verm L, 74-56 65 7-19 (5-8) -14.5 85.1 114.4 85.7 43.0 19.9 23.5 40.0 14-36 5-14 113.2 50.0 15.3 31.4 61.5 20-35 4-17 3 -11.7
Sun 2-21 2-21 A 227 (Ⅲ) Maine Maine L, 66-52 65 7-20 (5-9) -15.4 83.0 110.3 79.9 42.9 16.9 15.4 14.3 12-33 8-23 101.4 44.6 21.5 44.4 42.9 22-48 2-8 4 -9.6
Wed 2-24 2-24 A 282 (Ⅳ) Binghamton Bing! L, 66-53 65 7-21 (5-10) -16.3 80.1 102.6 81.6 37.5 16.9 30.4 10.9 9-38 10-26 101.6 56.7 24.6 29.0 26.9 16-30 9-22 5 -4.3
Sun 2-28 2-28 H 300 (Ⅳ) Albany Alb W, 85-79 OT73 8-21 (6-10) -16.3 106.1 119.1 117.0 55.6 13.8 24.3 32.3 15-31 13-31 108.8 48.3 19.3 35.7 48.3 11-31 12-29 21 1.6
America East Conference Tournament
Sat 3-06 3-06 N 122 (Ⅲ) Boston University BU L, 87-46 68 8-22 -17.1 75.2 120.9 67.6 33.6 13.2 15.6 25.9 12-33 5-25 127.9 61.0 16.2 35.3 39.0 15-33 14-26 0 -17
Date Opponent Result/Line Record WAB Adj. O Adj. D PPP eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P PPP eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P G-Sc +/-

Hartford Player Stats

Role • Games • Min% • O-Rating • Usage • PRPG! • D-PRPG • BPM • OBPM • DBPM • eFG% • TS% • O Reb% • D Reb% • Ast% • TOV % • A/TO • Blk% • Stl% • FTR • FC/40 • Dunks • Rim • Mid • FTs • Twos • 3P-Rate • 3P/100 • Threes
All • None • Core • Shooting • Basic

Compiled by Bart Torvik from sacred data and secret formulas.