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#334 - Lamar (7-19)

Tic PriceSouthland Conference (3-15)

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Team Stats

Vs: | Venue:
Category Offense Defense Barthag
Adj. Eff. 96.4 313 114.0 327 .1260 334
eFG% 47.4 279 52.0 281
TO% 20.5 312 19.4 92
OR% 33.4 57 31.9 277
FTR 42.6 36 46.6 333
Adjust? Split?
Shooting Stats
3P% 32.6 264 35.6 231
2P% 46.7 250 51.4 276
FT% 66.5 303 71.2 247
Block % 8.4 113 9.1 165
Stylistic Stats
3P Rate 33.4 225 33.8 112
Ast. Rate 54.3 124 60.2 328
Adj. Tempo 71.931

Fun Stuff

Category Offense Defense Barthag
Qual. Eff. 77.1 323 109.1 254 .0971 325
Last 10 Eff. 94.9 315 115.2 322 971 336
Close Games 1-7 (.125) 346
Qual. Games 0-2 (.000) 235
F.U.N. -0.0738 312
(Expected) Strength of Schedule
Non-con Overall
Elite L% 11 % 321 8 % 342
Basic 0.3424 345 0.2969 344
Committee Resumé Metrics
Q1-A Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Pre-Tourney 0-0 0-0 0-5 0-4 7-10

Schedule / Results

Offense Defense
Date Opponent Result/Line Record WAB AdjO AdjD EFF eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P EFF eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P G-Sc +/-
Mon 11-16 11-16 A 307 110 (Ⅱ) Fresno St. Fres L, 80-72 75 0-1 -0.6 99.5 103.7 95.8 51.9 21.3 21.6 50.0 16-33 8-21 106.5 37.1 10.6 41.5 58.6 23-59 2-11 38 -6.8
Sat 11-21 11-21 N 303 348 (Ⅳ) Delaware St. DelSt. W, 77-66 72 1-1 -0.6 100.0 105.1 106.8 52.9 27.7 45.5 58.8 15-32 8-19 91.6 41.9 26.4 40.0 37.1 17-41 6-21 36 9.4
Wed 11-25 11-25 A 291 279 (Ⅳ) Rice Rice L, 92-84 72 1-2 -1.4 105.9 126.0 116.7 48.5 16.7 45.0 44.6 18-40 9-25 127.8 57.1 15.3 40.0 60.7 23-37 6-19 12 -5.9
Sun 11-29 11-29 H 291 222 (Ⅳ) UC Riverside UCR L, 74-69 72 1-3 -2.4 91.4 110.9 95.6 37.9 24.9 48.8 45.2 19-43 3-19 102.5 54.3 24.9 34.4 25.9 18-35 9-23 10 -6.8
Wed 12-02 12-02 H 295 345 (Ⅳ) UT Rio Grande Valley UTRGV W, 83-60 71 2-3 -2.4 104.7 92.3 116.3 50.0 15.4 35.9 79.6 18-37 6-17 84.0 42.2 22.4 22.9 51.0 17-39 3-12 81 16.6
Sat 12-05 12-05 H 279 270 (Ⅳ) Idaho St. ISU W, 82-70 71 3-3 -2.3 105.0 110.4 115.3 53.8 15.5 29.4 75.0 19-34 6-18 98.4 45.3 22.5 37.1 58.5 18-34 4-19 36 -0.4
Sat 12-12 12-12 A 278 296 (Ⅳ) Liberty Lib W, 73-58 61 4-3 -2.3 113.7 99.9 119.8 54.3 14.8 41.9 24.1 24-45 5-13 95.2 56.1 27.9 13.0 31.7 11-18 8-23 82 8.9
Sun 12-13 12-13 A 268 67 (Ⅱ) Virginia Tech VaTech L, 88-53 74 4-4 -2.7 77.0 111.4 71.6 39.8 27.0 23.1 27.8 11-34 7-20 118.9 55.1 17.6 37.2 33.8 24-44 9-24 1 -21.3
Sat 1-02 1-02 A 281 325 (Ⅳ) Nicholls St. NichSt. W, 79-67 75 5-4 (1-0) -2.6 103.5 101.2 105.8 47.0 17.4 36.6 31.3 21-50 7-17 89.7 38.3 18.7 20.5 95.7 9-29 6-18 56 6.2
Mon 1-04 1-04 H 276 324 (Ⅳ) New Orleans NO L, 68-64 74 5-5 (1-1) -3.6 77.8 103.1 86.4 44.4 37.8 53.5 17.5 13-35 10-28 91.8 38.2 21.6 42.0 36.8 17-52 6-16 4 -5.2
Sat 1-09 1-09 A 277 330 (Ⅳ) Central Arkansas C.Ark L, 93-76 86 5-6 (1-2) -4.6 82.0 108.3 88.7 35.1 21.0 39.0 37.7 15-51 8-26 108.5 49.3 14.0 25.6 47.8 25-52 6-17 4 -4.9
Mon 1-11 1-11 H 299 191 (Ⅱ) Texas A&M Corpus Chris TAMUCC L, 91-82 76 5-7 (1-3) -5.5 108.6 124.3 108.4 53.3 23.8 41.7 41.0 22-41 7-20 120.3 56.5 17.2 32.4 38.7 20-42 10-20 17 -3.4
Sat 1-16 1-16 H 295 326 (Ⅳ) Northwestern St. NWSt. W, 86-82 80 6-7 (2-3) -5.5 91.8 109.1 107.7 57.1 22.5 29.0 58.9 23-38 6-18 102.6 45.2 16.3 30.4 57.1 18-36 7-27 12 -1.5
Mon 1-18 1-18 A 295 321 (Ⅳ) Southeastern Louisiana SELA L, 98-70 75 6-8 (2-4) -6.4 88.3 138.5 93.3 42.4 17.3 35.8 27.8 17-38 9-34 130.6 69.2 14.7 17.9 30.0 22-38 13-22 1 -16.4
Sat 1-23 1-23 H 310 291 (Ⅳ) Houston Christian HCU L, 92-79 76 6-9 (2-5) -7.4 94.8 125.8 103.6 49.1 15.7 29.3 58.6 12-38 11-20 120.6 54.3 19.7 43.9 34.3 29-54 6-16 4 -6.6
Mon 1-25 1-25 A 317 48 (Ⅱ) Stephen F. Austin SFA L, 86-52 75 6-10 (2-6) -7.7 77.1 106.8 69.8 38.9 29.5 25.0 37.0 18-38 2-16 115.4 66.4 18.8 24.0 27.6 31-42 5-16 2 -19.7
Sat 1-30 1-30 A 322 318 (Ⅳ) Abilene Christian ACU L, 80-71 75 6-11 (2-7) -8.7 87.3 115.9 94.7 52.1 22.7 12.9 70.8 22-40 2-8 106.7 60.2 13.3 14.3 53.7 19-32 9-22 4 -9.4
Mon 2-01 2-01 H 329 230 (Ⅲ) Sam Houston St. SHSU L, 69-66 72 6-12 (2-8) -9.6 82.6 104.7 91.6 45.6 20.8 29.7 36.8 20-34 4-23 95.8 46.7 25.0 35.1 28.3 22-39 4-21 6 -10
Sat 2-06 2-06 H 329 283 (Ⅲ) Incarnate Word UIW L, 74-71 69 6-13 (2-9) -10.6 96.9 110.7 102.6 42.9 14.4 35.4 21.4 18-42 8-28 106.9 52.1 17.3 17.9 58.3 16-29 6-19 18 2.6
Mon 2-08 2-08 H 327 318 (Ⅳ) Abilene Christian ACU L, 71-67 68 6-14 (2-10) -11.6 90.9 114.8 99.0 41.1 19.2 29.4 93.3 17-36 1-9 105.0 53.2 25.1 33.3 55.3 16-30 6-17 6 -2.6
Mon 2-15 2-15 A 330 291 (Ⅳ) Houston Christian HCU L, 79-78 73 6-15 (2-11) -12.5 96.9 114.3 107.2 50.7 13.7 37.5 22.9 25-51 7-19 108.6 62.0 24.7 23.1 46.0 19-30 8-20 13 -6.1
Sat 2-20 2-20 A 333 329 (Ⅳ) McNeese St. McN W, 87-76 68 7-15 (3-11) -12.4 118.5 117.0 127.9 59.1 8.8 30.6 22.7 24-47 10-19 111.8 50.0 20.6 42.4 44.6 19-37 6-19 54 7.7
Mon 2-22 2-22 H 322 48 (Ⅱ) Stephen F. Austin SFA L, 79-58 69 7-16 (3-12) -13.1 90.3 109.5 84.3 40.9 24.7 35.0 40.0 15-34 5-21 114.8 45.8 21.8 48.8 54.2 12-32 10-27 10 -12.1
Sat 2-27 2-27 A 329 283 (Ⅲ) Incarnate Word UIW L, 89-70 72 7-17 (3-13) -14.0 95.7 123.5 97.2 43.4 11.1 20.0 39.3 19-44 5-17 123.6 67.3 19.4 20.0 29.1 16-31 14-24 5 -6.4
Mon 2-29 2-29 H 331 329 (Ⅳ) McNeese St. McN L, 77-74 73 7-18 (3-14) -15.0 88.5 117.5 101.6 47.4 17.8 31.7 59.6 21-39 4-18 105.7 54.8 17.8 27.8 71.2 24-40 3-12 4 -6.4
Thu 3-03 3-03 A 335 230 (Ⅲ) Sam Houston St. SHSU L, 94-76 79 7-19 (3-15) -15.8 96.2 119.4 96.7 59.3 28.0 10.0 29.6 17-32 10-22 119.6 60.3 15.3 31.4 63.8 23-37 8-21 8 -8.9
Date Opponent Result/Line Record WAB Adj. O Adj. D PPP eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P PPP eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P G-Sc +/-

Lamar Player Stats

Role • Games • Min% • O-Rating • Usage • PRPG! • D-PRPG • BPM • OBPM • DBPM • eFG% • TS% • O Reb% • D Reb% • Ast% • TOV % • A/TO • Blk% • Stl% • FTR • FC/40 • Dunks • Rim • Mid • FTs • Twos • 3P-Rate • 3P/100 • Threes
All • None • Core • Shooting • Basic

Compiled by Bart Torvik from sacred data and secret formulas.