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#182 - Longwood (7-2)

Griff AldrichBig South Conference (0-0)

Tourney ResultsTeamcastTeam History

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Team Stats

Vs: | Venue:
Category Offense Defense Barthag
Adj. Eff. 102.1 227 103.6 136 .4601 182
eFG% 46.9 277 52.0 227
TO% 19.4 267 22.6 25
OR% 31.3 142 32.9 280
FTR 49.2 9 27.6 74
Adjust? Split?
Shooting Stats
3P% 26.8 340 28.0 36
2P% 50.8 185 57.4 327
FT% 77.5 46 63.4 11
Block % 8.5 131 9.5 169
Stylistic Stats
3P Rate 36.6 248 35.2 74
Ast. Rate 46.0 283 43.5 55
Adj. Tempo 68.8142

Fun Stuff

Category Offense Defense Barthag
Qual. Eff. 99 169 103.4 115 .3763 152
Last 10 Eff. 99.7 251 102.1 131 .4327 193
Close Games 2-0 (.999) 39
Qual. Games 0-1 (.000) 269
F.U.N. 0.1302 44
(Expected) Strength of Schedule
Non-con Overall
Elite L% 10 % 321 9 % 311
Basic 0.3273 338 0.3564 290
Current 0.3399 313 0.3399 314
Committee Resumé Metrics
Q1-A Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Projected 0-0 0-1 0-3 4-3 13-4
Current 0-0 0-0 0-1 0-1 5-0
Tourney Odds
Seed Auto Total
14.2 10.1% 10.1%

Schedule / Results

Offense Defense
Date Opponent Result/Line Record WAB AdjO AdjD EFF eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P EFF eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P G-Sc +/-
Mon 11-04 11-04 H 171 0 (Ⅳ) Randolph Randol W, 79-68 75 1-0 0.0 - - 105.2 45.5 14.6 30.3 72.7 22-41 2-14 90.6 51.7 18.6 10.5 22.0 11-23 13-36 - -
Sat 11-09 11-09 H 169 337 (Ⅳ) Morgan St. Morg W, 84-66 73 2-0 0.0 103.4 102.8 115.7 60.2 20.7 25.0 67.3 16-22 9-27 90.9 50.9 26.2 33.3 37.0 26-42 1-12 52 5.4
Wed 11-13 11-13 H 170 166 (Ⅳ) Milwaukee Mil W, 76-62 81 3-0 0.1 89.1 76.9 94.1 42.9 22.3 27.9 71.4 18-40 4-16 76.8 39.1 24.8 27.7 31.3 19-40 4-24 84 6.8
Sat 11-16 11-16 H 156 332 (Ⅳ) Tennessee Martin Martin W, 64-62 68 4-0 0.1 87.7 106.8 94.1 43.5 23.5 36.1 38.9 13-27 7-27 91.1 40.0 23.5 35.7 28.3 9-25 10-35 9 -6.8
Tue 11-19 11-19 A 169 334 (Ⅳ) Binghamton Bing! W, 66-60 61 5-0 0.2 99.2 108.2 108.2 36.3 11.5 44.4 40.3 15-41 5-21 98.3 55.2 21.3 20.7 27.1 16-27 7-21 27 -2.4
Fri 11-22 11-22 N 178 123 (Ⅳ) UAB UAB W, 89-81 73 6-0 0.4 116.3 106.5 122.0 55.0 9.6 21.4 43.3 27-44 4-16 111.1 48.6 15.1 42.5 29.0 29-52 3-17 73 1.1
Sun 11-24 11-24 N 166 76 (Ⅲ) McNeese St. McN L, 84-69 70 6-1 -0.2 103.2 109.9 98.6 50.0 28.6 36.7 55.1 14-29 7-20 120.1 65.5 20.0 36.4 30.9 30-41 4-14 33 -6.2
Mon 11-25 11-25 N 173 50 (Ⅱ) Kansas St. K-St. L, 80-64 71 6-2 -0.7 99.0 103.4 90.5 43.1 18.4 22.2 32.8 22-43 2-15 113.2 68.8 26.9 33.3 8.9 22-36 11-20 38 -6.2
Sun 12-01 12-01 H 176 0 (Ⅳ) Regent Regent W, 108-55 71 7-2 -0.7 - - 152.7 72.4 15.6 46.4 20.9 29-42 13-25 77.8 52.1 31.1 13.8 16.7 13-20 8-28 - -
Thu 12-05 12-05 H 360 (Ⅳ) Maryland Eastern Shore UMES -17.6, 79-6293% .01
Sun 12-08 12-08 H 0 (Ⅳ) Mary Baldwin Mary B -100% 000
Sat 12-14 12-14 H 252 (Ⅳ) North Carolina Central NCC -7.9, 75-6878% .04
Wed 12-18 12-18 A 299 (Ⅲ) Campbell Camp -2.1, 69-6759% .11
Fri 12-20 12-20 A 252 (Ⅳ) North Carolina Central NCC -0.4, 72-7152% .13
Sun 12-29 12-29 A 59 (I) SMU SMU +15.9, 84-6810% .60
Thu 1-02 1-02 A 289 (Ⅲ) Presbyterian Presb -1.6, 69-6757% .11
Sat 1-04 1-04 H 291 (Ⅳ) Charleston Southern ChSo -9.6, 77-6782% .04
Wed 1-08 1-08 H 186 (Ⅳ) UNC Asheville UNCA -3.9, 73-6965% .08
Sat 1-11 1-11 A 181 (Ⅲ) Winthrop Win +3.8, 75-7135% .23
Wed 1-15 1-15 H 118 (Ⅳ) High Point HP 0.0, 71-7050% .14
Wed 1-22 1-22 A 217 (Ⅱ) Radford Rad +2.1, 69-6741% .19
Sat 1-25 1-25 H 329 (Ⅳ) USC Upstate USCU -13.9, 83-6988% .02
Wed 1-29 1-29 A 197 (Ⅱ) Gardner Webb GWebb +3.1, 73-7038% .22
Sat 2-01 2-01 A 291 (Ⅳ) Charleston Southern ChSo -1.8, 73-7157% .11
Sat 2-08 2-08 H 217 (Ⅲ) Radford Rad -5.0, 70-6570% .07
Wed 2-12 2-12 A 118 (Ⅲ) High Point HP +7.3, 74-6723% .36
Sat 2-15 2-15 H 289 (Ⅳ) Presbyterian Presb -9.0, 73-6481% .04
Wed 2-19 2-19 H 197 (Ⅲ) Gardner Webb GWebb -4.3, 74-7067% .08
Sat 2-22 2-22 A 186 (Ⅲ) UNC Asheville UNCA +3.5, 73-6936% .23
Wed 2-26 2-26 H 181 (Ⅳ) Winthrop Win -3.8, 75-7164% .08
Sat 3-01 3-01 A 329 (Ⅳ) USC Upstate USCU -5.2, 78-7369% .07
Projected Record: 20-11 (9-7) Record WAB Adj. O Adj. D PPP eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P PPP eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P G-Sc +/-

Longwood Player Stats

Role • Games • Min% • O-Rating • Usage • PRPG! • D-PRPG • BPM • OBPM • DBPM • eFG% • TS% • O Reb% • D Reb% • Ast% • TOV % • A/TO • Blk% • Stl% • FTR • FC/40 • Dunks • Rim • Mid • FTs • Twos • 3P-Rate • 3P/100 • Threes
All • None • Core • Shooting • Basic

Compiled by Bart Torvik from sacred data and secret formulas.