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#11 - Marquette (9-1)

Shaka SmartBig East (0-0)

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Team Stats

Vs: | Venue:
Category Offense Defense Barthag
Adj. Eff. 117.3 20 95.3 16 .9154 11
eFG% 55.5 46 49.6 144
TO% 13.3 12 24.4 5
OR% 30.0 179 28.6 136
FTR 28.5 286 28.9 93
Adjust? Split?
Shooting Stats
3P% 33.9 153 31.6 116
2P% 59.5 15 51.2 184
FT% 74.4 100 71.3 179
Block % 5.7 16 11.3 97
Stylistic Stats
3P Rate 46.8 50 41.2 236
Ast. Rate 52.7 170 61.9 343
Adj. Tempo 69.5107

Fun Stuff

Category Offense Defense Barthag
Qual. Eff. 122.9 25 95.6 53 .9473 13
Last 10 Eff. 118.6 19 93.9 20 .9359 13
Close Games 1-0 (.999) 60
Qual. Games 4-1 (.800) 13
F.U.N. 0.1512 23
(Expected) Strength of Schedule
Non-con Overall
Elite L% 30 % 13 31 % 44
Basic 0.6235 18 0.7175 27
Current 0.5983 23 0.5983 24
Committee Resumé Metrics
Q1-A Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Projected 3-3 7-4 7-2 5-1 5-0
Current 2-1 3-1 1-0 2-0 3-0
Tourney Odds
Seed Auto Total
3 22.2% 99.8%

Schedule / Results

Offense Defense
Date Opponent Result/Line Record WAB AdjO AdjD EFF eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P EFF eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P G-Sc +/-
Mon 11-04 11-04 H 25 341 (Ⅳ) Stony Brook SB W, 102-62 70 1-0 0.0 128.6 107.3 146.6 65.4 10.1 41.9 25.0 31-37 9-31 89.1 42.5 20.1 28.6 25.0 15-35 7-25 89 12.2
Fri 11-08 11-08 H 24 74 (Ⅲ) George Mason GeoMason W, 82-63 73 2-0 0.3 114.8 88.7 112.0 47.0 12.3 33.3 38.8 15-32 11-35 86.0 44.8 25.9 30.8 25.9 14-34 8-24 95 4.8
Mon 11-11 11-11 H 21 218 (Ⅲ) Central Michigan C.Mich W, 70-62 74 3-0 0.3 96.4 85.6 94.7 45.5 16.2 15.4 45.5 10-19 10-36 83.9 46.2 35.2 38.2 40.4 15-27 6-25 80 9.4
Fri 11-15 11-15 A 24 15 (I-A) Maryland UMD W, 78-74 68 4-0 1.1 129.0 100.8 115.5 51.7 11.8 29.4 41.4 18-35 8-23 109.6 59.1 19.3 25.9 25.5 22-36 7-19 94 0.1
Tue 11-19 11-19 H 23 17 (I) Purdue Pur W, 76-58 68 5-0 1.6 114.3 79.6 112.0 51.7 8.8 18.2 25.0 19-35 8-25 85.5 46.0 22.1 15.6 36.0 14-32 6-18 98 5.6
Sat 11-23 11-23 N 16 29 (I-A) Georgia UGA W, 80-69 70 6-0 2.2 124.2 92.2 114.2 59.5 18.6 25.8 25.9 18-31 11-27 98.5 51.9 25.7 32.4 35.2 16-29 8-25 97 5.1
Wed 11-27 11-27 H 13 314 (Ⅳ) Stonehill Stone W, 94-59 68 7-0 2.2 125.2 99.7 137.8 68.9 14.7 44.4 27.9 27-40 10-21 86.5 50.0 26.4 23.1 13.0 18-30 6-24 93 13.4
Sat 11-30 11-30 H 16 279 (Ⅳ) Western Carolina WCU W, 94-62 80 8-0 2.3 111.2 88.3 117.2 61.1 16.2 24.3 13.9 23-32 14-40 77.3 45.0 26.2 19.4 20.0 15-33 8-27 93 13.4
Wed 12-04 12-04 A 12 6 (I-A) Iowa St. IaSt. L, 81-70 70 8-1 2.1 113.0 100.4 100.2 46.4 15.7 35.6 14.3 16-39 11-31 115.9 55.9 17.2 34.4 35.6 24-44 6-15 80 -7.2
Sat 12-07 12-07 H 14 38 (Ⅱ) Wisconsin Wisc W, 88-74 66 9-1 2.5 134.0 105.0 133.8 56.5 7.6 35.5 33.9 23-36 8-26 112.5 55.8 24.3 36.7 34.6 14-26 10-26 94 3.1
Sat 12-14 12-14 A 44 (I-A) Dayton Day -0.8, 74-7353% .65
Wed 12-18 12-18 H 77 (Ⅱ) Butler But -11.9, 79-6787% .24
Sat 12-21 12-21 A 72 (I) Xavier XU -3.7, 77-7364% .55
Tue 12-31 12-31 A 96 (I) Providence Prov -5.3, 69-6471% .46
Fri 1-03 1-03 H 34 (Ⅱ) Creighton Creigh -7.0, 79-7274% .42
Tue 1-07 1-07 H 101 (Ⅲ) Georgetown Gtown -14.2, 81-6790% .19
Tue 1-14 1-14 A 86 (Ⅱ) DePaul DeP -5.2, 78-7269% .49
Sat 1-18 1-18 H 72 (Ⅱ) Xavier XU -11.5, 81-6985% .27
Tue 1-21 1-21 A 123 (Ⅲ) Seton Hall SHU -7.6, 65-5781% .34
Fri 1-24 1-24 H 51 (Ⅱ) Villanova Nova -9.3, 77-6881% .33
Tue 1-28 1-28 A 77 (I) Butler But -4.3, 75-7167% .52
Sat 2-01 2-01 H 19 (I) Connecticut UConn -5.1, 75-7069% .49
Tue 2-04 2-04 A 14 (I-A) St. John's St.John's +3.5, 77-7437% .78
Sat 2-08 2-08 A 34 (I) Creighton Creigh +0.9, 76-7547% .71
Tue 2-11 2-11 H 86 (Ⅲ) DePaul DeP -13.0, 82-6988% .22
Tue 2-18 2-18 H 123 (Ⅳ) Seton Hall SHU -15.0, 69-5493% .13
Fri 2-21 2-21 A 51 (I) Villanova Nova -1.8, 74-7257% .62
Tue 2-25 2-25 H 96 (Ⅱ) Providence Prov -12.2, 73-6189% .20
Sat 3-01 3-01 A 101 (Ⅱ) Georgetown Gtown -6.4, 77-7073% .44
Tue 3-04 3-04 A 19 (I-A) Connecticut UConn +2.5, 74-7140% .76
Sat 3-08 3-08 H 14 (Ⅱ) St. John's St.John's -4.4, 78-7366% .52
Projected Record: 24-7 (14-6) Record WAB Adj. O Adj. D PPP eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P PPP eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P G-Sc +/-

Marquette Player Stats

Role • Games • Min% • O-Rating • Usage • PRPG! • D-PRPG • BPM • OBPM • DBPM • eFG% • TS% • O Reb% • D Reb% • Ast% • TOV % • A/TO • Blk% • Stl% • FTR • FC/40 • Dunks • Rim • Mid • FTs • Twos • 3P-Rate • 3P/100 • Threes
All • None • Core • Shooting • Basic

Compiled by Bart Torvik from sacred data and secret formulas.