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#349 - Monmouth (7-26)

King RiceColonial Athletic Association (5-13)

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Team Stats

Vs: | Venue:
Category Offense Defense Barthag
Adj. Eff. 91.7 354 109.5 291 .1150 349
eFG% 43.8 360 54.4 335
TO% 21.1 334 21.0 45
OR% 30.3 124 32.9 337
FTR 33.1 116 38.8 326
Adjust? Split?
Shooting Stats
3P% 28.8 359 37.0 332
2P% 44.0 350 53.4 317
FT% 66.7 325 71.9 195
Block % 9.4 241 8.5 178
Stylistic Stats
3P Rate 25.1 359 46.0 353
Ast. Rate 52.9 123 55.9 297
Adj. Tempo 68.3125

Fun Stuff

Category Offense Defense Barthag
Qual. Eff. 86.1 309 115.9 323 .0318 332
Last 10 Eff. 94.7 331 111.1 296 .1379 330
Close Games 1-4 (.200) 344
Qual. Games 0-3 (.000) 297
F.U.N. 0.017 138
(Expected) Strength of Schedule
Non-con Overall
Elite L% 22 % 43 14 % 164
Basic 0.6026 17 0.4604 169
Committee Resumé Metrics
Q1-A Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Pre-Tourney 0-2 0-2 0-8 0-8 7-8

Schedule / Results

Offense Defense
Date Opponent Result/Line Record WAB AdjO AdjD EFF eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P EFF eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P G-Sc +/-
Wed 11-09 11-09 A 337 58 (Ⅱ) Seton Hall SHU L, 79-52 75 0-1 -0.4 79.8 99.4 68.9 31.6 30.5 34.8 42.1 15-37 2-20 104.7 52.8 26.5 38.1 73.6 16-30 8-23 7 -13.2
Fri 11-11 11-11 A 337 34 (I-A) Virginia UVA L, 89-42 62 0-2 -0.7 87.7 124.4 67.7 42.7 33.9 20.0 36.6 13-30 3-11 143.5 67.6 9.7 42.3 46.3 17-29 13-25 2 -14.4
Mon 11-14 11-14 A 339 50 (I-A) Illinois ILL L, 103-65 79 0-3 -1.1 90.8 124.0 82.6 49.0 30.5 17.2 46.9 15-33 6-16 130.9 71.0 22.9 40.7 32.3 23-29 14-33 3 -24
Thu 11-17 11-17 H 340 223 (Ⅳ) Norfolk St. NorfSt. L, 64-59 72 0-4 -2.0 77.2 89.5 81.9 39.0 22.2 37.8 22.1 16-41 7-27 88.9 47.0 20.8 18.9 50.0 13-33 7-17 15 -3.2
Mon 11-21 11-21 A 337 109 (Ⅱ) Colgate Colg L, 85-66 67 0-5 -2.6 99.9 115.0 98.9 51.8 25.5 38.7 25.5 21-39 5-16 127.4 55.9 18.0 44.7 45.8 12-27 14-32 17 -9.2
Fri 11-25 11-25 H 336 167 (Ⅲ) Cornell Corn L, 81-63 76 0-6 -3.5 80.2 100.1 82.9 42.2 29.0 36.6 18.8 18-43 6-21 106.6 63.3 25.0 25.8 15.0 17-25 14-35 7 -6.9
Sun 11-27 11-27 A 340 288 (Ⅳ) Lehigh Leh L, 80-76 71 0-7 -4.4 107.0 119.1 107.2 53.3 16.9 34.2 37.7 25-46 5-15 112.8 59.0 29.6 42.9 50.0 13-29 11-21 23 -1.3
Wed 11-30 11-30 A 340 222 (Ⅲ) Rider Rider L, 88-62 71 0-8 -5.2 88.8 116.9 87.0 40.4 19.6 32.6 50.9 14-40 6-17 123.4 65.4 15.4 16.0 51.9 22-34 8-18 4 -8.8
Sun 12-04 12-04 A 346 313 (Ⅳ) Manhattan Manh W, 76-69 70 1-8 -5.1 108.5 101.5 108.5 57.8 20.0 30.0 52.9 19-37 7-14 98.5 48.1 21.4 30.3 52.8 15-30 7-23 68 9.4
Sat 12-10 12-10 A 338 93 (Ⅱ) Princeton Prin L, 91-54 72 1-9 -5.6 83.8 113.5 74.8 35.5 18.0 20.5 22.6 19-49 2-13 126.0 60.3 16.6 35.5 46.6 23-32 8-26 3 -13.9
Mon 12-12 12-12 A 346 131 (Ⅱ) Syracuse Cuse L, 86-71 65 1-10 -6.3 113.3 122.4 110.0 55.3 23.2 40.6 17.5 18-34 9-23 133.3 58.2 15.5 43.3 50.9 20-40 8-15 29 -4.1
Sat 12-17 12-17 H 342 104 (Ⅲ) Charlotte Char L, 80-46 62 1-11 -7.1 81.6 121.1 74.6 35.2 27.6 30.0 50.0 14-36 1-8 129.8 69.8 14.6 21.7 15.1 19-26 12-27 1 -12.7
Thu 12-22 12-22 H 350 82 (Ⅱ) Yale Yale L, 76-44 71 1-12 -7.8 64.9 106.0 62.3 34.8 21.2 14.3 25.0 15-41 3-15 107.6 52.5 22.7 44.1 30.0 21-35 7-25 0 -20.5
Wed 12-28 12-28 H 353 155 (Ⅲ) UNC Wilmington UNCW L, 68-55 65 1-13 (0-1) -8.7 85.5 109.9 84.7 37.3 20.0 31.4 27.3 19-44 1-11 104.8 50.0 21.6 38.2 20.3 22-40 5-19 5 -9.4
Thu 1-05 1-05 H 355 337 (Ⅳ) Stony Brook SB L, 67-56 66 1-14 (0-2) -9.7 81.0 111.1 84.8 37.3 13.6 27.9 37.3 16-43 4-16 101.4 49.1 19.7 30.6 24.6 13-24 10-33 3 -4.1
Sat 1-07 1-07 A 355 183 (Ⅲ) Drexel Drex L, 67-35 62 1-15 (0-3) -10.5 62.2 108.9 56.8 29.2 24.3 25.0 33.3 11-36 2-12 108.7 47.5 17.8 40.0 23.0 14-32 10-29 0 -15.8
Wed 1-11 1-11 A 359 87 (Ⅱ) Hofstra Hofs L, 77-57 63 1-16 (0-4) -11.0 98.6 111.3 90.6 45.3 27.0 33.3 18.9 15-37 6-16 122.3 64.0 20.7 34.8 30.0 20-30 8-20 20 -7.6
Sat 1-14 1-14 A 358 125 (Ⅱ) Towson Tow L, 68-48 62 1-17 (0-5) -11.6 79.7 104.8 77.9 40.2 24.3 21.9 13.7 16-34 3-17 110.3 47.3 17.8 43.2 37.5 13-29 9-27 4 -11.4
Thu 1-19 1-19 H 360 70 (Ⅱ) Charleston CoC L, 69-55 67 1-18 (0-6) -12.3 92.3 94.4 82.3 43.5 21.0 31.7 11.3 21-47 4-15 103.3 47.2 21.0 34.2 52.8 7-23 12-30 44 -0.5
Sat 1-21 1-21 H 358 348 (Ⅳ) Hampton Hamp L, 83-66 71 1-19 (0-7) -13.3 84.5 126.9 93.6 40.6 14.2 37.8 23.2 25-50 2-19 117.7 68.8 25.5 24.0 50.0 18-29 10-19 1 -8.4
Thu 1-26 1-26 A 360 155 (Ⅲ) UNC Wilmington UNCW L, 52-49 64 1-20 (0-8) -14.0 78.7 85.0 77.1 37.8 28.3 32.4 51.1 14-36 2-9 81.9 43.5 26.8 20.0 32.6 14-30 4-16 29 -4.8
Sat 1-28 1-28 A 359 324 (Ⅳ) North Carolina A&T NCAT W, 79-64 70 2-20 (1-8) -13.9 106.5 97.7 112.5 58.5 18.5 25.0 39.6 22-42 6-11 91.2 43.5 19.9 18.9 40.7 13-25 7-29 73 7.7
Thu 2-02 2-02 H 357 236 (Ⅳ) Delaware Del W, 70-62 68 3-20 (2-8) -13.9 95.8 98.2 103.2 41.4 13.3 35.0 50.0 21-50 2-8 91.4 43.1 23.6 27.3 45.1 10-24 8-27 43 -0.8
Sat 2-04 2-04 H 356 183 (Ⅳ) Drexel Drex W, 69-67 62 4-20 (3-8) -13.8 110.4 115.9 110.8 48.3 8.0 28.9 28.3 23-51 4-9 107.6 56.4 22.5 32.1 46.8 13-22 9-25 36 -3.8
Wed 2-08 2-08 A 355 337 (Ⅳ) Stony Brook SB W, 61-54 66 5-20 (4-8) -13.7 87.8 89.1 92.0 47.1 19.6 25.8 41.2 24-42 0-9 81.5 40.0 28.7 37.5 29.1 7-29 10-26 46 3.4
Sat 2-11 2-11 H 354 87 (Ⅲ) Hofstra Hofs L, 86-57 69 5-21 (4-9) -14.5 86.2 119.0 83.0 35.8 21.8 32.6 28.3 14-47 5-13 125.2 62.5 20.4 42.4 14.1 19-34 14-30 2 -15.9
Mon 2-13 2-13 H 356 324 (Ⅳ) North Carolina A&T NCAT W, 85-71 70 6-21 (5-9) -14.4 111.7 112.1 121.5 55.7 12.9 29.4 34.4 25-46 6-15 101.5 45.5 21.4 32.4 41.8 16-34 6-21 49 6.4
Thu 2-16 2-16 A 353 303 (Ⅳ) Northeastern NE L, 77-62 69 6-22 (5-10) -15.4 85.6 121.9 90.3 40.0 17.5 31.6 50.9 19-49 2-6 112.2 50.8 21.9 46.2 33.9 18-31 9-31 2 -13.5
Sat 2-18 2-18 H 354 317 (Ⅳ) Elon Elon L, 75-68 62 6-23 (5-11) -16.3 101.0 131.3 109.3 42.5 9.6 31.6 33.3 18-42 5-18 120.5 57.4 17.7 42.4 38.9 16-24 10-30 5 -5.5
Thu 2-23 2-23 A 357 348 (Ⅳ) Hampton Hamp L, 86-81 79 6-24 (5-12) -17.3 92.0 118.7 103.0 50.0 14.0 23.3 30.3 27-54 4-12 109.4 59.1 17.8 17.9 52.7 16-29 11-26 5 -7.3
Sat 2-25 2-25 A 356 314 (Ⅳ) William & Mary WM L, 74-62 71 6-25 (5-13) -18.2 85.3 104.2 86.9 48.0 26.6 24.2 43.1 20-42 3-9 103.7 56.4 19.6 12.5 59.6 10-21 11-26 9 -2
Colonial Athletic Association Tournament
Fri 3-03 3-03 N 358 348 (Ⅳ) Hampton Hamp W, 100-64 73 7-25 -18.2 121.4 98.5 137.9 65.0 15.2 34.6 40.0 24-43 10-17 88.2 43.4 23.4 32.5 23.0 16-33 7-28 92 16.6
Sat 3-04 3-04 N 349 183 (Ⅲ) Drexel Drex L, 64-45 68 7-26 -19.0 67.2 100.2 66.7 30.7 26.7 39.5 29.8 16-49 1-8 94.8 48.0 22.2 21.2 46.0 15-33 6-17 1 -13.7
Date Opponent Result/Line Record WAB Adj. O Adj. D PPP eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P PPP eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P G-Sc +/-

Monmouth Player Stats

Role • Games • Min% • O-Rating • Usage • PRPG! • D-PRPG • BPM • OBPM • DBPM • eFG% • TS% • O Reb% • D Reb% • Ast% • TOV % • A/TO • Blk% • Stl% • FTR • FC/40 • Dunks • Rim • Mid • FTs • Twos • 3P-Rate • 3P/100 • Threes
All • None • Core • Shooting • Basic

Compiled by Bart Torvik from sacred data and secret formulas.