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#123 - Seton Hall (5-5)

Shaheen HollowayBig East (0-0)

Tourney ResultsTeamcastTeam History

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Team Stats

Vs: | Venue:
Category Offense Defense Barthag
Adj. Eff. 98.3 311 95.3 15 .5888 123
eFG% 46.3 302 47.4 80
TO% 21.2 328 22.3 25
OR% 33.4 95 27.0 79
FTR 35.9 110 28.7 90
Adjust? Split?
Shooting Stats
3P% 36.4 76 30.7 89
2P% 42.2 352 48.5 115
FT% 60.3 358 74.1 283
Block % 10.2 235 11.9 76
Stylistic Stats
3P Rate 32.9 318 47.7 342
Ast. Rate 54.2 136 53.2 193
Adj. Tempo 61.8362

Fun Stuff

Category Offense Defense Barthag
Qual. Eff. 100.2 178 84.8 5 .8720 41
Last 10 Eff. 94.1 337 93.6 18 .5150 150
Close Games 3-2 (.600) 137
Qual. Games 1-0 (.999) 11
F.U.N. -0.114 323
(Expected) Strength of Schedule
Non-con Overall
Elite L% 16 % 139 29 % 54
Basic 0.5114 67 0.6988 39
Current 0.4769 119 0.4769 122
Committee Resumé Metrics
Q1-A Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Projected 1-4 2-8 3-6 2-5 3-2
Current 0-0 0-1 2-0 0-2 3-2
Tourney Odds
Seed Auto Total
14.5 0.2% 0.2%

Schedule / Results

Offense Defense
Date Opponent Result/Line Record WAB AdjO AdjD EFF eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P EFF eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P G-Sc +/-
Mon 11-04 11-04 H 90 221 (Ⅳ) Saint Peter's St.Pete W, 57-53 63 1-0 0.1 88.9 88.5 90.2 37.5 22.1 32.4 84.1 9-28 5-16 83.8 44.0 30.1 33.3 59.5 8-22 7-20 51 2.4
Sat 11-09 11-09 H 89 178 (Ⅳ) Fordham Fordh L, 57-56 65 1-1 -0.9 86.3 89.0 86.1 44.4 23.1 32.4 29.6 18-45 4-9 87.6 43.3 21.5 26.5 34.6 12-28 7-24 41 2.2
Wed 11-13 11-13 N 97 153 (Ⅲ) Hofstra Hofs L, 49-48 58 1-2 -1.7 85.6 84.5 82.5 41.7 24.1 34.3 35.4 11-28 6-20 84.3 43.5 24.1 22.6 23.9 11-25 6-21 54 2.1
Sat 11-16 11-16 H 99 293 (Ⅳ) Wagner Wag W, 54-28 53 2-2 -1.6 95.1 65.4 101.3 54.5 22.5 29.2 22.7 12-26 8-18 52.5 27.2 26.3 25.7 8.7 8-28 3-18 99 9
Thu 11-21 11-21 N 87 36 (Ⅱ) VCU VCU W, 69-66 OT76 3-2 -1.1 100.2 84.8 91.1 48.2 23.8 30.3 45.5 16-43 7-12 87.2 44.2 19.8 17.1 30.0 13-23 9-37 87 -2.1
Fri 11-22 11-22 N 87 59 (I) Vanderbilt Vandy L, 76-60 66 3-3 -1.6 93.0 103.2 90.3 42.1 24.1 38.1 17.5 16-42 7-21 114.4 61.1 16.6 22.2 22.2 18-27 10-27 23 -9.2
Sun 11-24 11-24 N 95 104 (Ⅱ) Florida Atlantic FAU W, 63-61 66 4-3 -1.3 100.3 84.0 96.0 49.1 19.8 27.8 17.5 13-35 10-22 92.9 37.1 15.2 32.6 29.0 17-34 4-28 88 6.7
Sat 11-30 11-30 H 90 292 (Ⅳ) Monmouth Monm L, 63-51 60 4-4 -2.3 80.9 109.0 84.8 40.6 16.6 29.7 30.2 14-32 5-21 104.7 56.0 23.3 32.0 20.0 13-29 10-21 3 -5.3
Wed 12-04 12-04 H 110 357 (Ⅳ) NJIT NJIT W, 67-56 61 5-4 -2.3 102.9 103.7 110.7 48.1 13.2 42.4 44.4 20-39 4-15 92.5 50.0 24.8 25.8 24.5 11-27 9-22 48 7.9
Sun 12-08 12-08 H 112 73 (Ⅲ) Oklahoma St. OkST L, 85-76 68 5-5 -3.0 107.8 124.2 111.0 56.5 21.9 36.7 42.6 20-35 7-19 124.1 66.7 23.4 38.1 37.3 19-25 10-26 16 -15.1
Sat 12-14 12-14 A 55 (Ⅱ) Rutgers Rut +9.8, 68-5815% .61
Tue 12-17 12-17 A 51 (I) Villanova Nova +9.4, 64-5515% .62
Sun 12-22 12-22 H 101 (Ⅲ) Georgetown Gtown -0.9, 61-6054% .19
Tue 12-31 12-31 A 72 (I) Xavier XU +7.8, 65-5719% .55
Wed 1-08 1-08 H 86 (Ⅲ) DePaul DeP +0.1, 62-6149% .22
Sat 1-11 1-11 A 96 (I) Providence Prov +5.2, 57-5225% .46
Wed 1-15 1-15 A 77 (I) Butler But +6.9, 63-5621% .52
Sat 1-18 1-18 H 14 (Ⅱ) St. John's St.John's +7.3, 65-5820% .52
Tue 1-21 1-21 H 11 (I-A) Marquette Marq +7.6, 65-5819% .54
Sat 1-25 1-25 A 34 (I) Creighton Creigh +12.2, 68-5510% .71
Tue 1-28 1-28 H 96 (Ⅱ) Providence Prov -0.4, 55-5452% .21
Sun 2-02 2-02 A 86 (Ⅱ) DePaul DeP +6.5, 64-5823% .49
Wed 2-05 2-05 H 77 (Ⅱ) Butler But +0.7, 60-5946% .24
Sat 2-08 2-08 A 101 (Ⅱ) Georgetown Gtown +5.4, 63-5726% .44
Sat 2-15 2-15 H 19 (I) Connecticut UConn +6.3, 62-5623% .49
Tue 2-18 2-18 A 11 (I-A) Marquette Marq +15.0, 69-547% .79
Sun 2-23 2-23 H 72 (Ⅱ) Xavier XU +1.4, 62-6043% .27
Wed 2-26 2-26 H 51 (Ⅱ) Villanova Nova +2.8, 61-5837% .33
Sat 3-01 3-01 A 14 (I-A) St. John's St.John's +14.7, 69-557% .78
Tue 3-04 3-04 H 34 (Ⅱ) Creighton Creigh +5.1, 64-5928% .42
Sat 3-08 3-08 A 19 (I-A) Connecticut UConn +13.4, 66-538% .76
Projected Record: 10-21 (5-15) Record WAB Adj. O Adj. D PPP eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P PPP eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P G-Sc +/-

Seton Hall Player Stats

Role • Games • Min% • O-Rating • Usage • PRPG! • D-PRPG • BPM • OBPM • DBPM • eFG% • TS% • O Reb% • D Reb% • Ast% • TOV % • A/TO • Blk% • Stl% • FTR • FC/40 • Dunks • Rim • Mid • FTs • Twos • 3P-Rate • 3P/100 • Threes
All • None • Core • Shooting • Basic

Compiled by Bart Torvik from sacred data and secret formulas.