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#329 - The Citadel (6-24)

Ed ConroySouthern Conference (1-19)

Tourney ResultsTeamcastTeam History

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Team Stats

Vs: | Venue:
Category Offense Defense Barthag
Adj. Eff. 94.1 295 114.8 336 .0923 329
eFG% 48.2 236 58.3 341
TO% 19.6 77 19.8 246
OR% 23.6 334 35.1 269
FTR 18.9 341 31.9 79
Adjust? Split?
Shooting Stats
3P% 38.1 47 40.0 330
2P% 41.0 332 57.4 339
FT% 67.7 216 71.3 280
Block % 13.2 334 3.3 339
Stylistic Stats
3P Rate 45.0 15 35.3 206
Ast. Rate 52.6 224 61.2 303
Adj. Tempo 62.5284

Fun Stuff

Category Offense Defense Barthag
Qual. Eff. 103.6 138 110.9 294 .0950 209
Last 10 Eff. 94.2 285 114.5 320 950 321
Close Games 2-3 (.400) 247
Qual. Games 0-4 (.000) 281
F.U.N. -0.0502 269
(Expected) Strength of Schedule
Non-con Overall
Elite L% 16 % 189 15 % 178
Basic 0.3247 320 0.4439 199
Committee Resumé Metrics
Q1-A Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Pre-Tourney 0-1 0-4 0-0 0-14 2-6

Schedule / Results

Offense Defense
Date Opponent Result/Line Record WAB AdjO AdjD EFF eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P EFF eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P G-Sc +/-
Fri 11-09 11-09 H 0 (Ⅳ) Daniel Webster Daniel W, 131-79 88 1-0 0.0 - - 149.4 71.2 12.5 38.5 37.2 24-37 21-41 90.1 41.0 17.1 29.8 16.9 16-45 12-38 -
Mon 11-12 11-12 A 95 (Ⅲ) South Carolina SCar L, 103-42 73 1-1 -0.5 63.7 127.6 57.7 29.5 26.1 17.5 19.6 12-27 3-29 141.5 59.9 11.0 47.4 33.8 26-49 11-22 0
Thu 11-15 11-15 H 29 (I) USC USC L, 74-47 71 1-2 -1.1 74.8 96.3 66.0 36.6 26.7 20.9 19.6 13-35 5-21 103.9 62.3 28.1 29.6 24.5 24-40 6-13 5
Tue 11-20 11-20 A 281 (Ⅳ) Penn Penn L, 93-77 74 1-3 -2.0 101.4 131.9 104.5 52.5 25.8 43.2 38.3 15-43 11-17 126.2 65.8 19.0 32.0 38.6 24-38 9-19 5
Sat 11-24 11-24 H 0 (Ⅳ) Webber Int. Webber W, 66-63 68 2-3 -2.0 - - 96.7 46.0 16.1 28.2 21.0 21-47 5-15 92.3 46.1 24.9 37.5 51.0 19-37 3-14 -
Mon 11-26 11-26 H 314 (Ⅳ) Charleston Southern ChSo W, 76-73 65 3-3 -2.0 102.4 119.6 117.5 67.8 26.3 27.3 40.0 14-23 11-22 112.8 54.8 15.5 29.7 9.5 15-30 13-33 14
Sat 12-01 12-01 A 165 (Ⅲ) Chattanooga Chat L, 87-74 73 3-4 (0-1) -2.7 106.0 119.8 101.7 47.7 13.7 27.9 24.2 12-26 13-40 119.5 63.8 22.0 32.3 36.2 25-40 8-18 20
Thu 12-13 12-13 A 14 (I) Davidson Dav L, 95-74 66 3-5 (0-2) -2.9 126.8 123.8 111.4 59.5 27.1 40.6 10.3 12-33 15-25 143.0 68.0 13.5 38.7 31.1 19-33 15-28 57
Sat 12-15 12-15 H 0 (Ⅳ) Atlanta Christian Atlant W, 79-55 72 4-5 -2.9 - - 109.4 52.4 19.4 35.3 30.6 25-38 5-24 76.2 42.0 23.5 19.4 48.0 18-33 2-17 -
Thu 12-20 12-20 A 10 (I-A) Washington St. Wazzu L, 67-45 53 4-6 -3.1 99.1 109.5 84.4 40.2 15.0 26.5 7.8 10-33 7-18 125.7 58.2 18.8 41.7 24.5 21-35 5-14 24
Mon 12-31 12-31 H 0 (Ⅳ) Cornell Iowa Cornel W, 71-63 63 5-6 -3.1 - - 112.9 53.7 11.1 25.0 35.2 17-35 8-19 100.1 54.7 25.4 31.0 15.1 17-27 8-26 -
Thu 1-03 1-03 H 187 (Ⅳ) Elon Elon L, 72-63 67 5-7 (0-3) -4.0 96.4 115.2 94.2 41.9 15.0 29.3 25.8 17-43 6-19 107.7 57.8 25.4 33.3 29.4 19-32 7-19 12
Sat 1-05 1-05 H 156 (Ⅲ) Appalachian St. AppSt. L, 63-50 65 5-8 (0-4) -4.9 76.0 95.4 77.0 37.1 20.0 25.0 19.0 8-28 9-30 97.1 51.9 23.1 30.3 30.8 15-27 8-25 7
Mon 1-07 1-07 A 110 (Ⅲ) UNC Greensboro UNCG L, 84-54 66 5-9 (0-5) -5.5 86.4 117.8 81.9 43.4 24.3 24.3 20.8 8-29 10-24 127.3 61.3 15.2 36.7 19.4 26-39 8-23 3
Sat 1-12 1-12 H 138 (Ⅲ) Georgia Southern GaSo L, 73-52 59 5-10 (0-6) -6.3 88.3 120.1 87.6 47.1 16.8 16.1 5.8 14-29 7-23 123.0 69.8 35.4 59.1 18.8 17-30 11-18 3
Mon 1-14 1-14 H 166 (Ⅲ) Charleston CoC L, 69-46 62 5-11 (0-7) -7.3 72.9 108.5 74.1 34.2 14.5 23.8 8.3 13-37 5-23 111.1 66.3 29.0 33.3 12.2 22-30 7-19 1
Sat 1-19 1-19 H 208 (Ⅲ) Wofford Wof L, 80-76 64 5-12 (0-8) -8.2 110.1 124.7 118.9 62.8 15.6 19.2 42.6 10-26 13-21 125.1 52.8 12.5 27.6 48.1 24-39 3-15 19
Thu 1-24 1-24 H 14 (I) Davidson Dav L, 87-70 68 5-13 (0-9) -8.6 113.8 114.1 103.0 58.3 20.6 20.7 20.4 18-33 9-21 128.0 66.7 20.6 33.3 21.1 26-37 8-20 49
Sat 1-26 1-26 H 110 (Ⅲ) UNC Greensboro UNCG L, 74-63 68 5-14 (0-10) -9.5 92.8 104.1 92.1 56.1 29.3 30.0 32.7 14-30 9-19 108.2 45.6 20.5 43.9 59.6 17-36 6-21 21
Wed 1-30 1-30 A 291 (Ⅳ) Furman Fur L, 53-51 57 5-15 (0-11) -10.4 87.1 100.3 89.5 55.4 24.6 15.4 4.3 9-24 11-22 93.0 54.9 21.0 15.4 41.5 15-26 5-15 17
Mon 2-04 2-04 A 166 (Ⅲ) Charleston CoC L, 63-48 58 5-16 (0-12) -11.1 82.6 103.2 82.4 40.0 10.3 17.9 12.7 10-30 8-25 108.1 54.9 15.4 21.4 21.6 19-33 6-18 7
Sat 2-09 2-09 A 156 (Ⅲ) Appalachian St. AppSt. L, 75-71 OT68 5-17 (0-13) -11.8 105.2 106.6 104.7 55.8 14.7 22.9 16.7 11-32 15-28 110.6 50.9 22.1 34.3 46.3 17-32 7-22 46
Mon 2-11 2-11 A 187 (Ⅳ) Elon Elon L, 65-51 59 5-18 (0-14) -12.6 91.2 113.5 86.0 44.4 15.2 17.6 5.6 12-28 8-26 109.7 50.9 15.2 33.3 27.8 23-42 3-12 7
Thu 2-14 2-14 H 234 (Ⅳ) Western Carolina WCU W, 57-51 58 6-18 (1-14) -12.6 93.6 93.7 97.6 51.0 17.1 18.8 13.7 11-20 10-31 87.3 37.5 25.7 45.2 42.3 15-35 3-17 50
Sat 2-16 2-16 H 165 (Ⅲ) Chattanooga Chat L, 78-71 70 6-19 (1-15) -13.5 103.1 115.9 102.0 50.0 18.7 32.6 5.8 9-25 17-44 112.1 61.2 18.7 21.9 61.2 15-28 10-21 21
Wed 2-20 2-20 A 138 (Ⅲ) Georgia Southern GaSo L, 98-68 67 6-20 (1-16) -14.2 104.9 138.2 101.0 52.9 22.3 30.0 39.2 15-29 8-22 145.6 63.6 10.4 41.4 22.7 30-50 8-16 4
Sat 2-23 2-23 A 234 (Ⅳ) Western Carolina WCU L, 61-42 56 6-21 (1-17) -15.0 75.6 110.6 74.6 40.4 19.5 9.1 10.6 7-16 8-31 108.3 50.0 21.3 45.5 20.8 16-38 7-15 1
Thu 2-28 2-28 H 291 (Ⅳ) Furman Fur L, 73-63 62 6-22 (1-18) -16.0 96.7 129.8 101.4 52.8 8.1 8.3 24.1 12-25 11-29 117.6 60.2 16.1 23.1 38.8 16-30 9-19 3
Sat 3-01 3-01 A 208 (Ⅲ) Wofford Wof L, 91-77 70 6-23 (1-19) -16.8 104.9 124.7 109.5 56.3 15.6 22.9 14.3 22-43 9-20 129.4 62.1 18.5 40.0 41.4 24-40 8-18 12
Southern Conference Tournament
Fri 3-07 3-07 A 166 (Ⅲ) Charleston CoC L, 66-48 57 6-24 -17.6 84.8 110.3 84.2 46.8 22.8 20.0 14.9 13-36 6-11 115.8 62.8 24.6 33.3 32.6 15-25 8-18 5
Date Opponent Result/Line Record WAB Adj. O Adj. D PPP eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P PPP eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P G-Sc +/-

The Citadel Player Stats

Role • Games • Min% • O-Rating • Usage • PRPG! • D-PRPG • BPM • OBPM • DBPM • eFG% • TS% • O Reb% • D Reb% • Ast% • TOV % • A/TO • Blk% • Stl% • FTR • FC/40 • Dunks • Rim • Mid • FTs • Twos • 3P-Rate • 3P/100 • Threes
All • None • Core • Shooting • Basic

Compiled by Bart Torvik from sacred data and secret formulas.