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#287 - Towson (10-22)

Pat SkerryColonial Athletic Association (6-12)

Tourney ResultsTeamcastTeam History

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Team Stats

Vs: | Venue:
Category Offense Defense Barthag
Adj. Eff. 100.8 248 110.5 293 .2575 287
eFG% 48.0 291 52.0 232
TO% 18.8 200 15.2 336
OR% 35.1 17 27.2 132
FTR 28.1 300 33.0 188
Adjust? Split?
Shooting Stats
3P% 32.7 254 35.6 251
2P% 47.6 270 50.8 207
FT% 70.0 196 74.1 329
Block % 5.8 2 9.6 151
Stylistic Stats
3P Rate 29.3 346 46.0 339
Ast. Rate 38.9 352 59.9 336
Adj. Tempo 63.5336

Fun Stuff

Category Offense Defense Barthag
Qual. Eff. 97.8 229 100.2 139 .4307 195
Last 10 Eff. 101.4 228 108.7 255 .3098 247
Close Games 4-11 (.267) 317
Qual. Games 0-1 (.000) 163
F.U.N. -0.0798 322
(Expected) Strength of Schedule
Non-con Overall
Elite L% 13 % 253 11 % 284
Basic 0.3992 247 0.3982 244
Committee Resumé Metrics
Q1-A Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Pre-Tourney 0-1 0-1 0-4 3-6 6-11

Schedule / Results

Offense Defense
Date Opponent Result/Line Record WAB AdjO AdjD EFF eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P EFF eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P G-Sc +/-
Tue 11-06 11-06 A 286 2 (I-A) Virginia UVA L, 73-42 56 0-1 -0.1 97.8 100.2 74.7 36.6 24.9 33.3 65.9 9-27 4-14 129.9 57.4 8.9 35.5 33.3 16-28 10-26 43 -7.2
Sun 11-11 11-11 H 284 0 (Ⅳ) Wesley College Wesley W, 93-66 75 1-1 -0.1 - - 124.5 58.5 10.7 31.6 41.5 26-41 8-24 88.4 44.0 24.1 23.1 31.0 12-28 9-30 - -
Fri 11-16 11-16 N 284 147 (Ⅲ) Pepperdine Pep L, 74-65 77 1-2 -0.9 85.6 90.8 84.8 42.0 32.6 45.7 46.4 19-40 3-16 96.5 52.9 26.1 17.9 41.2 15-32 8-19 34 -1.3
Sat 11-17 11-17 N 286 156 (Ⅲ) Florida Atlantic FAU L, 85-71 63 1-3 -1.7 122.2 139.5 113.4 53.4 12.8 30.3 23.7 18-37 9-22 135.8 59.0 14.4 51.5 29.5 21-32 10-29 18 -4.6
Sun 11-18 11-18 N 296 192 (Ⅳ) North Dakota St. NDSU L, 76-51 67 1-4 -2.5 76.4 106.9 76.6 42.5 25.5 21.2 13.2 15-37 5-16 114.2 54.8 10.5 20.6 12.7 18-33 11-30 2 -9.6
Sun 11-25 11-25 H 305 268 (Ⅳ) Loyola MD LMD W, 85-69 69 2-4 -2.5 109.3 110.0 122.9 56.1 17.4 36.4 50.9 20-36 8-21 99.8 50.0 18.8 27.0 36.4 14-29 9-26 48 0.9
Fri 11-30 11-30 H 305 75 (Ⅱ) Vermont Verm L, 70-64 62 2-5 -3.3 104.9 112.9 103.3 40.2 16.1 38.2 39.3 15-43 5-13 112.9 51.0 17.7 37.5 38.5 10-24 11-28 30 -7
Wed 12-05 12-05 A 307 285 (Ⅳ) George Washington GW L, 68-64 64 2-6 -4.1 100.4 114.9 100.7 49.1 23.6 41.2 21.1 22-41 4-16 107.0 59.5 20.5 15.4 61.9 13-23 8-19 18 -3.2
Sat 12-08 12-08 N 310 339 (Ⅳ) Morgan St. Morg L, 74-69 72 2-7 -5.1 91.6 112.1 95.7 51.8 29.1 39.4 21.1 22-41 5-16 102.6 45.6 13.9 33.3 29.4 22-50 6-18 9 2.8
Tue 12-11 12-11 A 311 244 (Ⅲ) UMBC UMBC W, 80-76 2OT78 3-7 -4.9 104.6 105.1 102.1 49.1 21.7 34.4 48.3 15-35 9-23 97.0 45.1 11.5 25.5 30.6 16-32 11-40 49 0.6
Fri 12-21 12-21 N 307 265 (Ⅳ) Tulane Tulane W, 73-55 65 4-7 -4.9 105.6 96.9 113.1 49.2 23.2 50.0 31.7 22-45 5-15 85.2 44.7 18.6 12.5 36.2 12-27 6-20 73 2.9
Sat 12-22 12-22 N 293 197 (Ⅳ) La Salle LaSalle L, 57-51 63 4-8 -5.7 81.0 93.4 80.5 42.2 30.0 38.7 21.6 20-41 1-10 90.0 34.2 14.2 31.0 38.6 12-33 5-24 16 -3.9
Fri 12-28 12-28 A 300 296 (Ⅳ) Elon Elon W, 77-60 64 5-8 (1-0) -5.6 108.2 104.3 120.8 54.2 11.0 30.3 23.7 17-42 10-17 94.2 52.9 18.8 6.7 15.7 15-31 8-20 60 -0.4
Sun 12-30 12-30 A 288 217 (Ⅲ) William & Mary WM L, 71-61 61 5-9 (1-1) -6.4 96.7 115.5 99.2 45.8 24.4 45.5 13.6 24-45 2-14 115.5 58.7 13.0 20.7 25.0 14-24 11-28 11 -6.9
Thu 1-03 1-03 H 297 131 (Ⅲ) Charleston CoC L, 67-55 60 5-10 (1-2) -7.3 90.6 109.0 91.4 42.1 18.3 33.3 15.8 15-34 6-23 111.3 48.1 11.6 28.6 32.1 24-41 1-12 11 -7.1
Sat 1-05 1-05 H 299 270 (Ⅳ) UNC Wilmington UNCW L, 67-61 65 5-11 (1-3) -8.2 82.8 107.0 94.3 39.7 18.5 40.5 22.2 19-47 4-16 103.6 50.0 18.5 34.3 16.7 18-36 8-24 5 -7.3
Wed 1-09 1-09 H 304 221 (Ⅳ) Cornell Corn L, 86-74 69 5-12 -9.2 106.1 131.5 107.1 48.6 7.2 27.9 15.5 21-44 9-27 124.4 63.6 13.0 24.2 32.2 18-29 13-30 8 -6.2
Sat 1-12 1-12 A 314 289 (Ⅳ) James Madison JMU L, 74-65 60 5-13 (1-4) -10.0 107.7 119.8 107.9 46.0 11.6 43.2 20.6 23-48 4-15 122.8 55.6 14.9 30.4 62.2 13-20 8-25 23 2.7
Thu 1-17 1-17 A 315 279 (Ⅲ) Drexel Drex L, 72-66 65 5-14 (1-5) -10.9 96.9 105.1 100.8 38.2 7.6 32.1 32.4 14-47 8-21 110.0 47.5 10.7 28.9 33.9 16-31 8-28 28 2.8
Sat 1-19 1-19 A 314 263 (Ⅲ) Delaware Del W, 64-63 58 6-14 (2-5) -10.8 100.1 110.6 110.5 53.6 12.1 28.1 12.5 21-43 6-13 108.8 43.6 3.5 22.2 36.4 15-35 6-20 24 -7.9
Thu 1-24 1-24 H 312 98 (Ⅲ) Northeastern NE W, 75-72 66 7-14 (3-5) -10.6 112.6 106.7 114.5 51.7 21.4 60.7 36.2 27-48 2-10 109.9 53.6 21.4 32.4 30.9 10-23 13-32 65 0.1
Sat 1-26 1-26 H 297 109 (Ⅲ) Hofstra Hofs L, 84-61 64 7-15 (3-6) -11.4 90.9 117.5 94.8 50.0 23.3 35.5 26.4 19-38 5-15 130.6 63.2 18.7 36.0 35.8 20-29 9-24 5 -11.3
Thu 1-31 1-31 A 302 270 (Ⅳ) UNC Wilmington UNCW W, 77-76 64 8-15 (4-6) -11.3 114.6 112.7 120.0 65.7 17.1 30.8 35.3 23-36 7-15 118.4 49.1 10.9 29.7 47.4 16-37 8-20 55 5.6
Sat 2-02 2-02 A 292 131 (Ⅱ) Charleston CoC L, 54-53 55 8-16 (4-7) -11.9 95.6 94.3 95.6 50.0 19.8 25.9 31.1 15-31 5-14 97.4 48.0 18.0 29.4 17.6 11-29 9-22 54 -2.5
Sat 2-09 2-09 H 287 289 (Ⅳ) James Madison JMU W, 66-59 59 9-16 (5-7) -11.9 99.7 107.6 111.1 58.5 13.5 16.1 38.3 17-30 7-17 99.3 44.3 13.5 33.3 14.8 18-39 6-22 30 -0.6
Thu 2-14 2-14 H 284 263 (Ⅳ) Delaware Del L, 78-71 2OT80 9-17 (5-8) -12.8 82.4 97.1 88.8 37.5 13.8 30.8 22.4 18-49 7-27 97.6 43.0 16.3 21.7 45.3 8-29 13-35 13 -1.3
Sat 2-16 2-16 H 291 279 (Ⅳ) Drexel Drex W, 92-77 74 10-17 (6-8) -12.8 116.9 101.2 124.7 57.9 14.9 28.6 54.4 18-36 10-21 104.4 53.7 16.3 18.8 50.0 14-26 10-28 84 16.9
Thu 2-21 2-21 A 272 109 (Ⅱ) Hofstra Hofs L, 91-82 2OT79 10-18 (6-9) -13.3 103.6 99.1 103.7 48.7 16.4 38.3 13.9 31-61 5-18 115.1 52.9 13.9 28.6 36.8 15-28 14-40 63 1.4
Sat 2-23 2-23 A 265 98 (Ⅱ) Northeastern NE L, 73-58 63 10-19 (6-10) -13.9 98.2 104.8 92.2 48.1 20.7 27.6 18.5 23-40 2-14 116.0 57.5 15.9 29.0 32.1 14-21 11-32 32 -3.8
Thu 2-28 2-28 H 266 217 (Ⅳ) William & Mary WM L, 67-65 63 10-20 (6-11) -14.8 99.7 107.7 103.4 45.9 14.3 33.3 19.7 16-41 8-20 106.5 50.0 12.7 25.0 30.4 16-30 8-26 29 1.2
Sat 3-02 3-02 H 266 296 (Ⅳ) Elon Elon L, 86-66 64 10-21 (6-12) -15.8 96.9 142.4 103.9 42.2 11.0 34.1 23.4 21-49 4-15 135.4 72.4 14.2 23.1 6.9 15-24 18-34 1 -11.5
Colonial Athletic Association Tournament
Sat 3-09 3-09 N 284 289 (Ⅳ) James Madison JMU L, 74-73 64 10-22 -16.7 107.4 118.2 113.7 60.2 26.5 37.5 36.7 25-37 3-12 115.2 57.3 17.1 28.6 52.1 17-32 7-16 25 0.7
Date Opponent Result/Line Record WAB Adj. O Adj. D PPP eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P PPP eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P G-Sc +/-

Towson Player Stats

Role • Games • Min% • O-Rating • Usage • PRPG! • D-PRPG • BPM • OBPM • DBPM • eFG% • TS% • O Reb% • D Reb% • Ast% • TOV % • A/TO • Blk% • Stl% • FTR • FC/40 • Dunks • Rim • Mid • FTs • Twos • 3P-Rate • 3P/100 • Threes
All • None • Core • Shooting • Basic

Compiled by Bart Torvik from sacred data and secret formulas.