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#188 - VMI (20-8)

Duggar BaucomBig South Conference (13-5)

Tourney ResultsTeamcastTeam History

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Team Stats

Vs: | Venue:
Category Offense Defense Barthag
Adj. Eff. 106.9 95 108.9 296 .4477 188
eFG% 52.3 61 55.6 340
TO% 16.2 5 27.2 1
OR% 27.2 319 42.1 344
FTR 32.9 266 30.6 48
Adjust? Split?
Shooting Stats
3P% 34.8 128 34.8 208
2P% 52.3 33 56.9 342
FT% 74.1 30 66.3 39
Block % 11.8 321 6.0 293
Stylistic Stats
3P Rate 54.4 1 27.7 20
Ast. Rate 56.3 113 56.5 243
Adj. Tempo 80.31

Fun Stuff

Category Offense Defense Barthag
Qual. Eff. 132.3 1 104.4 236 .9385 11
Last 10 Eff. 102.2 172 103.2 192 .4727 180
Close Games 9-3 (.750) 19
Qual. Games 1-0 (.999) 1
F.U.N. 0.0988 9
(Expected) Strength of Schedule
Non-con Overall
Elite L% 17 % 208 8 % 334
Basic 0.4905 186 0.3323 319
Committee Resumé Metrics
Q1-A Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Pre-Tourney 0-0 0-0 1-0 5-5 14-3

Schedule / Results

Offense Defense
Date Opponent Result/Line Record WAB AdjO AdjD EFF eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P EFF eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P G-Sc +/-
Fri 11-14 11-14 A 50 (Ⅱ) Kentucky UK W, 111-103 93 1-0 0.6 132.3 104.4 119.8 58.3 15.1 27.5 48.6 21-41 14-31 111.2 56.3 27.0 51.4 45.8 36-56 3-16 94
Sun 11-16 11-16 A 98 (Ⅲ) Virginia UVA L, 107-97 89 1-1 0.1 117.6 117.2 108.7 52.5 21.3 37.2 19.0 28-48 9-31 119.9 56.3 22.4 54.8 35.4 40-63 3-16 51
Mon 11-24 11-24 A 235 (Ⅳ) Campbell Camp W, 97-92 83 2-1 0.2 119.0 117.4 117.2 60.7 20.5 28.2 22.9 14-30 19-40 111.1 55.0 27.8 55.3 30.0 34-59 3-11 54
Sat 11-29 11-29 A 266 (Ⅳ) Jacksonville St. JaxSt L, 95-67 85 2-2 -0.7 77.3 112.4 79.2 37.9 23.7 22.9 24.3 16-36 7-34 112.4 65.6 26.0 40.6 29.7 33-52 6-12 1
Wed 12-03 12-03 H 278 (Ⅳ) Winthrop Win W, 92-74 81 3-2 (1-0) -0.7 111.2 104.5 113.6 55.4 12.4 25.6 17.6 17-33 16-41 91.4 49.2 30.9 37.1 15.2 25-52 5-14 67
Sat 12-06 12-06 A 271 (Ⅲ) UNC Asheville UNCA W, 114-105 81 4-2 (2-0) -0.5 130.9 130.2 140.5 70.5 11.1 20.7 40.9 24-39 15-27 129.4 68.8 24.6 46.7 34.4 20-36 16-28 52
Tue 12-09 12-09 H 235 (Ⅳ) Campbell Camp W, 88-76 82 5-2 -0.5 105.4 101.1 107.2 51.4 17.1 31.8 27.8 16-29 14-43 92.6 54.9 31.7 31.4 23.0 26-49 5-12 62
Sun 12-21 12-21 A 285 (Ⅳ) Army Army W, 62-55 73 6-2 -0.4 88.9 87.3 84.8 50.0 27.4 20.0 40.8 5-14 13-35 75.3 43.5 27.4 16.2 25.9 16-39 5-15 55
Wed 12-31 12-31 H 112 (Ⅲ) Richmond Rich W, 73-70 70 7-2 -0.3 103.1 97.3 104.4 48.1 18.6 26.5 48.1 11-25 10-29 100.1 47.5 27.2 51.4 29.5 20-42 6-19 66
Sat 1-03 1-03 A 248 (Ⅳ) Gardner Webb GWebb W, 96-92 85 8-2 (3-0) -0.1 107.7 108.5 112.3 57.8 18.7 23.1 51.6 13-27 16-37 107.7 52.4 19.9 42.6 13.4 31-58 8-24 48
Mon 1-05 1-05 A 309 (Ⅳ) Charleston Southern ChSo W, 93-90 76 9-2 (4-0) -0.1 112.6 123.4 122.1 55.8 13.1 33.3 33.3 16-32 15-37 118.2 55.7 22.3 41.9 39.3 25-44 6-17 26
Sat 1-10 1-10 H 289 (Ⅳ) Coastal Carolina CC W, 103-102 88 10-2 (5-0) -0.1 109.0 125.7 116.8 57.6 13.6 20.5 37.5 16-31 17-41 115.6 58.4 19.3 33.3 20.8 33-57 8-20 16
Mon 1-12 1-12 H 265 (Ⅳ) Presbyterian Presb W, 90-75 77 11-2 (6-0) 0.0 117.4 111.9 117.1 47.9 13.0 32.6 40.8 16-29 12-42 97.6 50.0 29.9 51.4 43.1 23-39 4-19 63
Sat 1-17 1-17 N 210 (Ⅲ) Liberty Lib L, 91-80 82 11-3 (6-1) -0.9 92.7 107.7 97.8 46.5 19.6 29.8 23.6 20-42 9-30 111.3 60.5 30.6 48.4 32.3 24-41 9-21 15
Wed 1-21 1-21 A 186 (Ⅲ) Radford Rad W, 87-72 78 12-3 (7-1) -0.7 112.6 94.0 111.7 50.8 16.7 28.6 40.9 14-29 13-37 92.4 58.3 28.2 33.3 38.9 27-47 3-7 89
Sat 1-24 1-24 H 307 (Ⅳ) High Point HP W, 92-85 80 13-3 (8-1) -0.7 109.3 121.0 114.4 49.3 12.4 32.6 28.4 14-24 15-50 105.7 60.6 38.6 60.0 9.1 25-44 10-22 24
Mon 2-02 2-02 H 271 (Ⅲ) UNC Asheville UNCA L, 103-95 OT89 13-4 (8-2) -1.6 97.4 118.6 106.6 50.6 14.6 27.1 23.5 23-50 12-31 115.6 62.1 26.9 50.0 45.5 29-47 8-19 9
Wed 2-04 2-04 A 278 (Ⅳ) Winthrop Win W, 110-106 OT91 14-4 (9-2) -1.6 122.5 128.1 120.8 53.8 11.0 30.4 44.9 27-48 10-30 116.4 64.6 28.6 50.0 27.8 39-58 5-14 37
Sat 2-07 2-07 H 248 (Ⅳ) Gardner Webb GWebb W, 94-88 87 15-4 (10-2) -1.5 100.7 105.0 108.1 48.6 16.1 25.0 45.7 16-33 12-37 101.2 54.9 23.0 33.3 19.7 30-51 6-20 38
Mon 2-09 2-09 H 309 (Ⅳ) Charleston Southern ChSo W, 82-76 77 16-4 (11-2) -1.5 95.3 106.3 106.5 46.4 13.0 34.7 37.1 22-36 7-34 98.7 51.5 19.5 28.9 23.9 27-45 5-22 22
Sat 2-14 2-14 A 289 (Ⅳ) Coastal Carolina CC L, 100-97 85 16-5 (11-3) -2.4 109.9 124.2 114.2 57.4 16.5 25.6 23.0 14-23 19-51 117.8 66.2 29.4 51.6 14.1 32-52 10-19 20
Mon 2-16 2-16 A 265 (Ⅳ) Presbyterian Presb L, 63-57 73 16-6 (11-4) -3.3 81.4 94.6 77.9 42.0 20.5 17.1 30.4 10-23 9-33 86.1 47.7 31.4 17.9 65.1 16-34 3-9 15
Sat 2-21 2-21 H 186 (Ⅲ) Radford Rad L, 97-90 92 16-7 (11-5) -4.2 97.5 109.2 98.2 44.7 9.8 18.0 23.5 14-31 16-54 105.9 64.5 31.7 50.0 50.0 34-57 4-5 21
Tue 2-24 2-24 N 210 (Ⅲ) Liberty Lib W, 109-72 83 17-7 (12-5) -4.1 121.6 86.7 131.4 67.1 18.1 32.4 27.1 20-34 18-36 86.8 43.2 22.9 31.3 40.9 15-33 9-33 98
Sat 2-28 2-28 A 307 (Ⅳ) High Point HP W, 81-76 78 18-7 (13-5) -4.1 101.6 107.9 103.4 45.9 14.0 30.6 26.0 14-20 13-53 97.0 50.0 31.9 50.0 17.1 23-43 8-27 33
Big South Conference Tournament
Tue 3-03 3-03 H 289 (Ⅳ) Coastal Carolina CC W, 96-76 79 19-7 -4.0 112.3 105.9 121.5 56.4 13.9 30.8 32.9 17-28 15-42 96.2 51.6 31.6 47.5 26.6 18-29 10-35 66
Thu 3-05 3-05 N 210 (Ⅲ) Liberty Lib W, 78-58 71 20-7 -3.9 101.7 80.7 109.5 50.8 14.0 28.6 44.3 16-32 10-29 81.4 43.0 23.9 27.0 24.6 17-35 5-22 93
Sat 3-07 3-07 N 186 (Ⅲ) Radford Rad L, 108-94 97 20-8 -4.8 98.2 113.2 97.2 48.7 19.6 20.8 32.9 13-26 16-50 111.7 57.9 27.9 47.5 55.7 36-62 3-8 16
Date Opponent Result/Line Record WAB Adj. O Adj. D PPP eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P PPP eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P G-Sc +/-

VMI Player Stats

Role • Games • Min% • O-Rating • Usage • PRPG! • D-PRPG • BPM • OBPM • DBPM • eFG% • TS% • O Reb% • D Reb% • Ast% • TOV % • A/TO • Blk% • Stl% • FTR • FC/40 • Dunks • Rim • Mid • FTs • Twos • 3P-Rate • 3P/100 • Threes
All • None • Core • Shooting • Basic

Compiled by Bart Torvik from sacred data and secret formulas.