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#194 - Yale (14-13)

James JonesIvy League (8-6)

Tourney ResultsTeamcastTeam History

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Team Stats

Vs: | Venue:
Category Offense Defense Barthag
Adj. Eff. 99.2 246 102.1 139 .4204 194
eFG% 49.4 156 47.0 74
TO% 20.3 190 17.5 306
OR% 27.2 308 28.8 50
FTR 39.6 116 36.2 133
Adjust? Split?
Shooting Stats
3P% 34.2 183 34.8 195
2P% 48.5 147 45.0 60
FT% 73.4 52 70.4 227
Block % 10.1 245 11.0 73
Stylistic Stats
3P Rate 32.6 174 27.4 23
Ast. Rate 53.6 164 46.6 29
Adj. Tempo 65.3165

Fun Stuff

Category Offense Defense Barthag
Qual. Eff. 97.4 206 86.9 5 .7883 67
Last 10 Eff. 99.3 220 102.7 178 .4031 201
Close Games 8-6 (.571) 107
Qual. Games 1-1 (.500) 22
F.U.N. 0.0514 63
(Expected) Strength of Schedule
Non-con Overall
Elite L% 18 % 182 15 % 194
Basic 0.4759 209 0.4687 191
Committee Resumé Metrics
Q1-A Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Pre-Tourney 0-0 1-4 1-1 2-5 10-3

Schedule / Results

Offense Defense
Date Opponent Result/Line Record WAB AdjO AdjD EFF eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P EFF eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P G-Sc +/-
Sat 11-13 11-13 N 160 (Ⅲ) Quinnipiac Quin L, 84-75 69 0-1 -0.8 104.6 124.4 108.3 47.0 17.3 29.4 72.0 16-29 5-21 121.3 58.8 21.7 43.3 38.6 23-40 7-17 12 -11.6
Mon 11-15 11-15 A 113 (Ⅲ) Providence Prov L, 58-55 70 0-2 -1.4 78.6 78.5 78.6 41.2 24.3 25.0 22.8 10-31 9-26 82.9 40.8 22.9 25.7 59.2 17-35 2-14 50 -3.2
Thu 11-18 11-18 A 63 (Ⅱ) Boston College BC W, 75-67 65 1-2 -0.9 117.5 88.9 115.9 61.5 17.0 25.0 26.9 14-31 12-21 103.5 43.3 15.4 26.5 51.9 18-33 3-19 96 6.7
Tue 11-23 11-23 A 12 (I) Illinois ILL L, 73-47 73 1-3 -1.0 77.3 84.8 64.3 32.7 30.1 20.0 36.7 10-29 4-20 99.9 52.4 21.9 34.3 22.2 27-52 4-11 25 -9.3
Sat 11-27 11-27 H 272 (Ⅳ) Army Army W, 87-79 69 2-3 -1.0 114.4 122.1 125.2 59.8 20.2 34.6 87.0 20-32 5-14 113.7 55.4 14.4 22.2 41.1 10-31 14-25 32 1.6
Tue 11-30 11-30 H 266 (Ⅳ) Hartford Hart W, 81-76 74 3-3 -1.0 109.5 113.6 109.8 64.4 19.0 12.0 71.1 11-25 12-20 103.0 46.6 24.4 34.3 44.8 18-31 6-27 40 5
Sat 12-04 12-04 A 132 (Ⅱ) Vermont Verm L, 82-78 67 3-4 -1.6 124.1 120.6 116.3 54.7 14.9 27.8 52.8 14-37 10-16 122.3 59.3 16.4 35.7 50.0 26-46 4-8 58 -0.6
Mon 12-06 12-06 H 232 (Ⅳ) Albany Alb W, 74-53 64 4-4 -1.6 104.4 89.3 115.0 55.9 20.2 39.4 20.3 18-33 10-26 82.3 35.3 18.6 35.7 32.8 16-42 3-16 86 6.1
Wed 12-08 12-08 A 316 (Ⅳ) Bryant Bryant W, 75-53 70 5-4 -1.5 96.2 80.0 107.7 61.3 25.9 29.0 30.2 19-34 9-19 76.1 37.3 17.2 18.2 23.7 10-37 8-22 89 10.5
Sun 12-19 12-19 H 271 (Ⅳ) Sacred Heart SHU L, 71-62 70 5-5 -2.5 81.4 110.8 88.9 48.0 25.8 26.7 38.0 18-35 4-15 101.8 48.3 21.5 36.1 33.9 21-44 5-15 3 -9.1
Tue 12-28 12-28 A 108 (Ⅲ) Stanford Stan L, 60-44 57 5-6 -3.1 87.1 97.5 77.2 36.6 28.1 27.6 39.0 9-29 4-12 105.2 54.3 17.5 30.0 47.8 13-32 8-14 22 -3.1
Fri 12-31 12-31 H 201 (Ⅳ) Lehigh Leh L, 62-57 66 5-7 -4.0 82.8 97.0 86.4 50.0 30.3 25.0 30.4 14-25 6-21 94.0 45.8 16.7 17.6 58.3 16-36 4-12 14 -4.1
Wed 1-05 1-05 A 241 (Ⅳ) Holy Cross HC W, 77-76 OT78 6-7 -3.9 95.1 98.7 98.6 49.2 16.6 28.2 33.8 29-51 2-14 97.3 45.0 16.6 21.6 48.3 18-45 6-15 40 -0.9
Sat 1-15 1-15 A 224 (Ⅳ) Brown Brown W, 69-64 67 7-7 (1-0) -3.7 98.7 94.3 103.2 47.0 10.5 27.5 18.2 25-49 4-17 95.7 42.9 12.0 18.9 33.9 15-39 6-17 63 2.4
Sat 1-22 1-22 H 224 (Ⅳ) Brown Brown W, 59-51 70 8-7 (2-0) -3.7 79.9 72.3 84.3 39.5 14.3 20.5 42.1 21-43 1-14 72.9 30.4 17.1 34.0 23.2 12-46 6-23 76 6.8
Fri 1-28 1-28 A 185 (Ⅲ) Penn Penn L, 66-58 64 8-8 (2-1) -4.4 88.8 105.8 91.3 42.9 17.3 25.7 19.6 18-36 4-20 103.9 46.8 18.9 24.1 53.2 16-34 4-13 12 -8.7
Sat 1-29 1-29 A 82 (I) Princeton Prin L, 67-63 62 8-9 (2-2) -4.9 104.9 104.9 101.5 50.0 17.7 29.4 29.6 18-39 6-15 107.9 58.5 24.2 39.1 38.3 20-39 5-8 50 -6
Fri 2-04 2-04 H 196 (Ⅳ) Cornell Corn W, 71-70 67 9-9 (3-2) -4.9 99.0 103.7 105.2 55.7 26.7 36.7 30.2 19-33 7-20 103.7 50.9 16.3 26.3 48.1 14-33 9-21 37 0.3
Sat 2-05 2-05 H 198 (Ⅲ) Columbia Col W, 72-67 68 10-9 (4-2) -4.8 105.4 99.0 105.6 58.0 24.9 25.9 36.0 17-32 8-18 98.3 47.6 19.1 36.1 15.9 27-58 2-5 67 6.7
Fri 2-11 2-11 A 87 (I) Harvard Harv L, 78-75 66 10-10 (4-3) -5.3 116.5 107.0 113.7 60.4 27.3 41.7 39.6 17-35 8-13 118.3 54.7 18.2 33.3 47.2 23-44 4-9 73 -0.4
Sat 2-12 2-12 A 319 (Ⅳ) Dartmouth Dart W, 69-60 68 11-10 (5-3) -5.3 98.5 97.2 101.4 42.1 14.7 32.4 47.4 18-41 4-16 88.2 43.4 22.0 32.4 14.8 19-50 5-11 54 5.4
Fri 2-18 2-18 H 82 (I) Princeton Prin L, 58-51 62 11-11 (5-4) -6.1 82.1 92.7 81.7 40.0 24.0 21.9 46.7 15-36 2-9 92.9 34.2 11.2 33.3 43.9 15-39 3-18 20 -7.1
Sat 2-19 2-19 H 185 (Ⅲ) Penn Penn L, 60-58 59 11-12 (5-5) -7.0 93.5 107.1 98.7 47.9 18.7 26.7 31.3 17-35 4-13 102.1 52.8 17.0 23.1 9.4 25-42 2-11 17 -4.8
Fri 2-25 2-25 H 319 (Ⅳ) Dartmouth Dart W, 79-75 OT74 12-12 (6-5) -7.0 99.1 116.3 106.4 50.9 18.9 28.1 59.3 20-32 5-22 101.0 44.6 10.8 28.9 46.2 26-54 2-11 14 -0.5
Sat 2-26 2-26 H 87 (I) Harvard Harv W, 70-69 60 13-12 (7-5) -6.8 114.7 109.5 117.2 49.1 5.0 24.2 36.4 15-37 8-18 115.6 50.0 11.7 27.6 46.0 16-37 6-13 63 -1.7
Fri 3-04 3-04 A 198 (Ⅲ) Columbia Col W, 87-81 2OT86 14-12 (8-5) -6.6 102.6 94.2 101.6 55.4 25.7 25.0 58.9 25-46 4-10 94.6 44.4 10.5 22.0 20.0 22-61 9-19 73 5.1
Sat 3-05 3-05 A 196 (Ⅳ) Cornell Corn L, 68-55 65 14-13 (8-6) -7.4 83.4 100.3 84.7 36.7 9.2 24.4 33.3 19-45 2-15 104.8 54.5 18.5 23.3 12.5 17-31 9-25 11 -6
Date Opponent Result/Line Record WAB Adj. O Adj. D PPP eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P PPP eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P G-Sc +/-

Yale Player Stats

Role • Games • Min% • O-Rating • Usage • PRPG! • D-PRPG • BPM • OBPM • DBPM • eFG% • TS% • O Reb% • D Reb% • Ast% • TOV % • A/TO • Blk% • Stl% • FTR • FC/40 • Dunks • Rim • Mid • FTs • Twos • 3P-Rate • 3P/100 • Threes
All • None • Core • Shooting • Basic

Compiled by Bart Torvik from sacred data and secret formulas.