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#170 - Youngstown St. (15-16)

Jerry SlocumHorizon League (7-9)

Tourney ResultsTeamcastTeam History

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Team Stats

Vs: | Venue:
Category Offense Defense Barthag
Adj. Eff. 103.5 148 103.8 202 .4925 170
eFG% 49.1 140 48.6 167
TO% 17.0 26 18.1 271
OR% 26.6 312 31.5 157
FTR 36.0 170 35.6 162
Adjust? Split?
Shooting Stats
3P% 35.9 72 35.6 257
2P% 46.5 219 46.5 133
FT% 68.9 200 70.5 236
Block % 8.3 96 12.7 39
Stylistic Stats
3P Rate 35.7 102 29.6 66
Ast. Rate 56.6 86 50.3 88
Adj. Tempo 67.164

Fun Stuff

Category Offense Defense Barthag
Qual. Eff. 0 347 200 347 .0000 347
Last 10 Eff. 104.2 146 108.4 276 .3905 207
Close Games 4-7 (.364) 281
Qual. Games 0-0 (.000) 139
F.U.N. -0.0127 196
(Expected) Strength of Schedule
Non-con Overall
Elite L% 14 % 276 13 % 239
Basic 0.4888 203 0.4967 156
Committee Resumé Metrics
Q1-A Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Pre-Tourney 0-0 0-0 1-4 4-10 9-1

Schedule / Results

Offense Defense
Date Opponent Result/Line Record WAB AdjO AdjD EFF eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P EFF eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P G-Sc +/-
Sat 11-10 11-10 A 107 (Ⅲ) George Washington GW W, 80-73 76 1-0 0.4 115.0 98.3 105.9 49.1 15.9 31.6 63.2 19-42 6-15 96.6 43.0 18.5 27.9 66.7 20-46 3-11 86 2.7
Mon 11-12 11-12 A 102 (Ⅲ) Georgia UGA W, 68-56 71 2-0 0.8 104.7 77.4 96.2 47.2 24.0 29.4 41.5 16-34 6-19 79.2 37.7 21.2 17.9 39.6 11-37 6-16 97 8.6
Fri 11-16 11-16 H 328 (Ⅳ) Saint Francis SFU W, 75-60 69 3-0 0.8 96.2 98.8 109.2 57.7 20.4 19.2 30.8 18-36 8-16 87.4 47.3 27.7 35.3 21.4 22-42 3-14 42 6.4
Mon 11-19 11-19 N 86 (Ⅱ) North Dakota St. NDSU L, 83-80 OT77 3-1 0.2 111.2 105.9 103.7 41.8 9.1 34.6 24.1 24-61 6-18 107.6 46.9 15.6 29.3 43.8 18-49 8-15 64 -
Tue 11-20 11-20 N 178 (Ⅲ) James Madison JMU L, 69-68 63 3-2 -0.7 110.1 109.7 107.2 52.0 17.3 29.0 48.0 14-27 8-23 108.7 49.1 14.2 32.3 36.4 21-38 4-17 51 2.9
Wed 11-21 11-21 A 231 (Ⅳ) Duquesne Duq L, 84-74 72 3-3 -1.5 98.4 118.3 102.3 48.5 9.7 20.9 30.8 18-39 9-26 116.1 52.5 22.1 48.7 53.3 18-39 9-21 11 -8.6
Wed 11-28 11-28 H 120 (Ⅲ) Kent St. Kent L, 85-78 OT74 3-4 -2.4 104.9 107.8 105.3 45.3 14.8 31.7 42.2 23-44 4-20 114.7 47.8 13.5 41.9 37.7 21-52 8-17 42 -0.4
Sat 12-01 12-01 A 207 (Ⅳ) Bowling Green BG W, 58-49 63 4-4 -2.2 97.4 80.5 92.8 46.9 22.4 37.1 53.1 17-38 4-11 78.4 32.8 16.0 27.9 24.1 16-44 2-14 90 7
Tue 12-18 12-18 A 140 (Ⅲ) South Florida So.Fla. L, 72-54 64 4-5 -2.8 94.5 105.5 83.8 39.1 17.1 30.4 12.5 13-42 8-22 111.7 50.8 15.5 38.2 28.8 18-40 8-19 22 -2.5
Fri 12-21 12-21 A 283 (Ⅳ) Bethune Cookman BCook W, 67-51 70 5-5 -2.8 90.3 75.6 95.4 47.2 27.0 42.9 48.1 18-43 5-11 72.6 37.1 19.9 25.5 21.0 20-49 2-13 89 8.9
Wed 1-02 1-02 A 191 (Ⅲ) Illinois Chicago UIC L, 65-60 66 5-6 (0-1) -3.5 96.7 99.1 90.8 43.5 21.2 21.6 29.6 13-33 7-21 98.4 44.7 18.2 34.2 31.6 18-35 5-22 43 0.9
Sat 1-05 1-05 A 172 (Ⅳ) Loyola Chicago LUC W, 68-66 64 6-6 (1-1) -3.3 105.4 103.4 106.6 51.9 12.5 13.8 34.6 21-41 4-11 103.5 43.9 11.0 28.6 33.3 19-40 4-17 56 -2.4
Thu 1-10 1-10 H 88 (Ⅱ) Detroit Mercy UDM L, 101-60 79 6-7 (1-2) -4.1 79.5 111.9 76.2 38.9 25.4 22.5 53.7 18-40 2-14 128.2 61.2 16.5 40.5 13.2 30-56 11-20 2 -14.1
Thu 1-17 1-17 A 139 (Ⅲ) Green Bay GB L, 67-58 70 6-8 (1-3) -4.8 88.7 91.3 83.0 37.3 15.7 23.3 33.9 10-36 8-23 95.9 45.7 22.9 25.0 63.8 20-41 1-6 42 -1.3
Sat 1-19 1-19 A 299 (Ⅳ) Milwaukee Mil W, 75-72 66 7-8 (2-3) -4.7 108.3 115.3 112.9 57.0 15.1 26.7 24.6 22-39 7-18 108.4 49.2 16.6 39.0 19.7 19-38 9-28 33 1.4
Wed 1-23 1-23 H 113 (Ⅲ) Wright St. WSU W, 68-61 69 8-8 (3-3) -4.5 106.4 93.4 98.0 55.2 25.9 24.0 39.6 19-30 5-18 87.9 44.4 20.2 30.0 15.9 19-48 6-15 82 4.2
Sat 1-26 1-26 H 267 (Ⅲ) Cleveland St. Clev W, 73-59 68 9-8 (4-3) -4.5 99.6 89.3 106.8 44.8 14.6 28.2 41.4 14-36 8-22 86.3 47.4 26.3 29.4 12.3 15-35 8-22 78 9.8
Wed 1-30 1-30 H 75 (Ⅱ) Valparaiso Valpo W, 80-68 68 10-8 (5-3) -4.3 120.5 93.5 118.0 55.6 14.8 33.3 50.0 18-35 8-19 100.3 43.8 17.7 34.1 55.4 20-36 3-20 95 9.1
Fri 2-01 2-01 A 88 (Ⅱ) Detroit Mercy UDM L, 88-77 78 10-9 (5-4) -4.8 99.7 99.6 99.0 55.1 25.7 24.2 25.4 16-26 11-33 113.1 55.3 11.6 21.1 33.3 23-46 9-20 50 -4.2
Tue 2-05 2-05 A 267 (Ⅲ) Cleveland St. Clev L, 66-60 64 10-10 (5-5) -5.7 91.6 102.9 94.1 47.1 11.0 19.4 42.3 17-37 5-15 103.5 51.0 23.5 33.3 33.3 20-35 4-16 21 -0.6
Thu 2-07 2-07 H 172 (Ⅳ) Loyola Chicago LUC W, 60-59 60 11-10 (6-5) -5.6 100.3 95.4 99.4 48.0 16.6 24.1 32.7 16-31 5-18 97.7 48.1 21.5 33.3 28.3 15-40 7-13 64 5
Sun 2-10 2-10 H 191 (Ⅲ) Illinois Chicago UIC L, 88-83 3OT88 11-11 (6-6) -6.5 96.8 103.7 94.0 41.4 14.7 26.8 43.4 12-42 13-34 99.7 48.6 20.4 30.2 35.7 22-46 8-24 31 1.7
Fri 2-15 2-15 H 299 (Ⅳ) Milwaukee Mil W, 94-80 70 12-11 (7-6) -6.5 127.2 123.8 134.8 68.1 12.9 35.7 44.8 20-30 13-28 114.7 59.4 21.5 29.4 75.0 12-27 11-21 58 10.4
Sun 2-17 2-17 H 139 (Ⅲ) Green Bay GB L, 71-54 62 12-12 (7-7) -7.4 93.6 109.9 87.3 37.7 9.7 18.4 22.8 14-32 5-25 114.8 56.3 19.4 32.0 41.7 21-38 4-10 14 -2.5
Sat 2-23 2-23 H 243 (Ⅳ) Central Michigan C.Mich W, 86-75 66 13-12 -7.3 119.4 109.0 130.1 69.0 15.1 28.0 52.0 21-32 9-18 113.5 50.0 16.6 33.3 50.0 15-32 8-22 74 11.1
Tue 2-26 2-26 A 75 (Ⅱ) Valparaiso Valpo L, 73-64 63 13-13 (7-8) -7.8 109.4 102.2 101.2 43.7 7.9 29.7 19.0 20-50 5-13 115.5 53.0 19.0 40.6 62.0 16-29 7-21 69 0.2
Sat 3-02 3-02 A 113 (Ⅲ) Wright St. WSU L, 72-45 60 13-14 (7-9) -8.4 85.4 121.1 74.5 42.3 26.5 14.3 46.2 9-25 5-14 119.2 60.2 16.6 29.6 20.4 25-41 5-13 2 -13.9
Horizon League Tournament
Tue 3-05 3-05 H 172 (Ⅳ) Loyola Chicago LUC W, 62-60 63 14-14 -8.3 95.4 95.5 97.7 53.8 17.3 14.8 19.2 22-36 4-16 94.5 48.1 18.9 28.1 24.1 20-44 4-10 50 1.2
Fri 3-08 3-08 N 113 (Ⅲ) Wright St. WSU L, 66-59 64 14-15 -9.1 99.3 109.1 91.7 45.5 14.0 24.3 28.6 18-37 5-19 102.6 56.4 18.7 11.1 40.4 16-34 7-13 25 -6.5
Postseason Tournament
Tue 3-19 3-19 H 200 (Ⅲ) Oakland Oak W, 99-87 80 15-15 -9.0 110.8 108.5 123.9 62.5 12.5 20.0 35.9 13-29 18-35 108.9 52.3 15.0 24.2 34.8 24-51 7-15 56 2
Sat 3-23 3-23 H 119 (Ⅲ) Canisius Can L, 84-82 OT76 15-16 -9.9 105.3 101.2 107.9 56.2 19.7 32.4 20.0 14-31 15-34 110.5 44.0 7.9 38.1 33.3 18-44 10-31 61 6.2
Date Opponent Result/Line Record WAB Adj. O Adj. D PPP eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P PPP eFG% TO% OR% FTR 2P 3P G-Sc +/-

Youngstown St. Player Stats

Role • Games • Min% • O-Rating • Usage • PRPG! • D-PRPG • BPM • OBPM • DBPM • eFG% • TS% • O Reb% • D Reb% • Ast% • TOV % • A/TO • Blk% • Stl% • FTR • FC/40 • Dunks • Rim • Mid • FTs • Twos • 3P-Rate • 3P/100 • Threes
All • None • Core • Shooting • Basic

Compiled by Bart Torvik from sacred data and secret formulas.